Friday October 25th 2013, Workshop: “The enemy within – What can we do about internalized sexism?” Discussion, 6:30 pm.
Many of us can spot sexism. It is at work, in the women’s lower wages. It is among our friends and family, when eyebrows are raised when hearing of a man taking paternity leave. It is on billboards, in ads for washing liquid only starring women. It is on TV, where transwomen are only depicted as sex workers or sexual predators. It is in schools, when boys who are perceived as ‘girly’ are bullied in order to ‘man up.’ It is on the streets, in the whistle and kissing sounds made when women perceived as attractive walk by. It’s everywhere and we see it!
But looking within us, looking for the sexism we have been socialized with and which guides our thoughts and behavior, is one of the most difficult tasks. But the fight against sexism starts with us! So let us spot it and see what we can do about it!
For a cozy gathering, an exchange of experiences and opinions over hot tea, join us in Joe’s Garage on Friday, 25th of October. Doors open at 18:30, the discussion starts at 19:00.
The event is for free, of course. Bringing some vegan snacks is not mandatory, but very appreciated.
If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact me at joeworkshops [at] squat [dot] net.