Demonstration against all evictions and state repression

Callout for a demonstration on Friday 25th of February, 19:00, Leidseplein, Amsterdam.

We are calling for this demonstration as a response to the eviction of the Waldeck Pyrmontlaan, the court case of our arrested comrades, the repression at the housing demo in Leiden and every other time the police used their violent means to protect the rich and structures of oppression. These speed evictions and police repression concern all of us, not just the anarchists or the squatters.

Since the last housing protests, more people seem to be losing faith in reformist approaches and the false promises of politicians. Squatting is widely supported, rent strikes are called for and people everywhere are taking direct action against gentrification. Politicians from volt and groenlinks were drowned out of demos and were unable to promote their fake promises.

Fighting for our own solutions- without relying on the state or making demands of the government is seen as a viable solution. As more people are embracing anarchist tactics and methods of organising, the state’s response seems to be to repress it before it can spread. A whole arsenal of tactics is employed to attempt to shut us down, break bonds of solidarity and scare people away.

From police violence at demonstrations, evictions, preventive searches, sending informants and so on. This repression must be met with a collective response. Our rage, like our movement, will not be contained or repressed.

Let’s come together and show our rage. Come prepared, come in block if that makes you feel safer. There will be a sound system, speeches, a march and good spirit! Everyone is welcome, email us with any concerns or questions you might have.

We envision:
A world without police and prisons
Cops and cameras of campus
Free meals
Free public transport for everyone
Decolonising the university
Cancelling of all debts
Free housing for everyone that needs it

Autonomous Student Struggle

Oproep tot 1 oktober demonstratie: Recht op Stad!

RECHT_OP_STAD_demo_1_october_2015Hardhandige massa-arrestatie van 150 sympathisanten tijdens ontruiming Schijnheilig goedgekeurd door Amsterdams Hof. ‘Verzet’ maakt gehele demonstratie illegaal.

Het demonstratierecht lijkt een ernstige slag te zijn toegebracht: het Hof stelt dat manifestaties automatisch illegaal zijn wanneer de politie van mening is dat niet protest maar ‘verzet kennelijk het doel’ is. Het Hof heeft hieruit geconcludeerd dat de massa-arrestatie door de politie tijdens de ontruiming van het kraakpand Schijnheilig was toegestaan. Een cassatie is in navolging van de uitspraak ingesteld door de advocaat Willem Jebbink namens de vijf procederende sympathisanten die destijds waren opgepakt.

Schijnheilig: ‘We zijn verbijsterd dat het Amsterdamse hof de willekeur van de politie verkiest boven het demonstratierecht. Wij demonstreren niet om ‘verzet met kennelijk doel’ te plegen, maar om het geven van een duidelijk geluid; het geluid van vrije cultuur, van zelfbeschikking, van antikapitalisme; het geluid van een stad voor en door haar bewoners.’

Wij demonstreren tegen een stad dat is overgeleverd aan schimmige vastgoed-deals door, zoals Van der Laan beschreven ‘Egyptenaren op de Zeedijk’ en ‘puissant rijke Chinezen en Russen’ in de hele stad. We demonstreren tegen een stad dat het college van B&W wordt overgeleverd aan vigerende gentrificatie en exploitatie! We demonstreren tegen het omarmen van het massa-toerisme. We demonstreren tegen het laten stikken van vitale, autonome locaties als Villa Friekens, Bajesdorp of het ADM!

We demonstreren voor een stad vóór en dóór haar bewoners! Voor Recht op Stad!

Demonstreer mee op 1 oktober 19:00 op de Dam in Amsterdam. Als jij ook vindt dat de stad van jou is, voor ons is en voor iedereen is. Simpel gezegd: demonstreer voor RECHT OP STAD!

Call to demonstrate in English: Why are we demonstrating?


The city belongs to all of us, including to the poor and to the refugees. The city council needs to focus on making the biggest medley so not only people or organizations with money, but everyone has a chance to settle at their place of choice. The heart of a city is essential part of making a city livable and therefore cheap rents for housing and shops should be preserved.


A city exists out of neighborhoods. This should be neighborhoods made able by its inhabitants, neighborhoods where the grocery store, bakery and local tailor should have a place. Amsterdam is no brand, but a city where people cohabit.


The city is a hub of knowledge acquisition and dissemination. The city needs to stand firm for its students and point universities to their role: focussing on quality of education and phase out real estate speculation! Less power to the management and more power to teachers and students!


The city is a thousand villages. The city is nothing without her inhabitants. The City is alive! It doesn’t survive by sweeping and encapsulating, but by letting her fray and bloom! The city needs to scale down and support autonomous folks and local organisations that take care of their neighbourhood. This will bring a faster and more direct result than regulation and criminalization will ever amount to. The city remains vital by giving space to experiment and to fail. And give everyone a chance to try again.


The right to demonstrate; especially the city needs to be a space where one can express their beliefs, without fear of repression. Government and law enforcement should not be able to criminalize occupations and squatting. They have to understand that resistance is a natural right and evictions of squats and demonstrators should not harshly be beaten down and arrested.


In short: Right to City = Right to a righteous city with an eye for culture, activism, diversity and fair chances for all!

Zaterdag 7 juni, de Valreep Manifestatie, de allerlaatste keer!

Persbericht 30 mei: De Valreep vertrekt niet zomaar
Amsterdam 30 mei 2014

De gemeente Amsterdam wil De Valreep ontruimen. De Valreep organiseerde de afgelopen 3 jaar activiteiten in het gekraakte voormalige dierenasiel in Amsterdam Oost en is niet van plan zomaar te vertrekken. […Lees verder]

Demonstration for the Valreep: October 19th, 14:00

Valreep Legaal demonstration, October 19th 2013

Saturday October 19th, Joe’s Garage will be closed. No give away shop that day. Everybody at the demonstration for the Valreep squat. Dance-demo through Amsterdam city for preservation of social political centre Op de Valreep and for a free and social (underground) Amsterdam.

Amsterdam Danst Ergens Voor – Demonstratie voor De Valreep (& A’dam underground)

Aanstaande zaterdag dansen wij dwars door Amsterdam voor het behoud van vrijplaats De Valreep. De underground laat van zich horen met mobiel geluid van onder meer Damoclash, Nimatek, de ADM, de DAF (Ruigoord), de Infaders en Bajesdorp. […Lees verder]