Radical Sunday School – Necropolitics: Who lives and dies in a state of exception?

Sunday March 23, 2025, Radical Sunday School – Necropolitics: Who lives and dies in a state of exception? From 18:00 till 20:00.The norm is televised genocide, illegal mining and occupation. This system of marking specific bodies as kill-able and national sovereignty as “the right to kill” is as old as capitalism and colonialism itself.

Defining a state’s freedoms in such terms normalizes mass slaughter in distant lands, but it also props up justifications for places like Guantanamo Bay and organizations like Frontex here in the belly of the beast.

Who among us have limited rights, and what laws justify the hierarchies between different kinds of political identities?

In a Europe where the “working classes” and “stateless” people are quickly sliding into the category historically reserved for “savages” in the Dutch “Golden Age”, such questions help us anticipate who among us will be dragged off without a warrant to preserve “democracy”.

This session will break down musty academic concepts like necropolitics and the state of exception to explain how war in the 21st century has changed to keep pace with capital’s ever-growing need for blood and materials.

No prior knowledge needed.

Radical Sunday School
radicalsundayschool [at] riseup [dot] net

Aman molli: Practice of east Mediterranean Music

Friday March 21, 2025, Aman molli: Practice of east Mediterranean Music. From 20:00 to 23:30.

This is a weekly open practice session of east Mediterranean music, in which we play genres such as rebetiko and Greek/Balkan/Turkish/Middle Eastern folk music. Together we explore the melodic pathways, rhythms (e.g. 9/8, 7/8. 5/4) and harmonies of, as well as connections between these musical traditions. We gather to have fun playing music together, to share musical knowledge and experience, and improve our skills on our instruments. We welcome interested newcomers to join in, regardless of musical experience, and using any kind of instrument (strings, percussion, wind, voice).

Aman Molli https://radar.squat.net/en/aman-molli

Radical Sunday School: Who is making America “healthy” again?

Sunday March 16, 2025, Radical Sunday School: Who is making America “healthy” again? From 18:00 till 20:00.Since last November, global media is dominated by discussions on Trump’s second term and what it means for all of us. However, next to MAGA, a new movement emerged: MAHA, meaning Make America Healthy Again, led by Trump’s new minister of health, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. RFK Jr. has been known for his questionable statements on vaccines, but many people, especially women and mothers, have high hopes that he will regulate large pharmaceutical, agricultural, and food companies, in order to make healthier lifestyles more accessible to Americans. The health and food industries are heavily criticised by the Left, too, especially in the US, however, it is RFK Jr., who has the opportunity to tackle the issues caused by these companies during the next four years. Doctors have been warning the public for the past few months about the new health minister’s potential agenda, especially with regards to vaccines, but only time will tell whether he leads the country into a public health crisis, or, for example, focus on improving the quality of food.
This Sunday, we will discuss why MAHA became popular, particularly among women and mothers, and what we can learn from this phenomenon.

Radical Sunday School
radicalsundayschool [at] riseup [dot] net

Aman molli: Practice of east Mediterranean Music

Friday March 14, 2025, Aman molli: Practice of east Mediterranean Music. From 20:00 to 23:30.

This is a weekly open practice session of east Mediterranean music, in which we play genres such as rebetiko and Greek/Balkan/Turkish/Middle Eastern folk music. Together we explore the melodic pathways, rhythms (e.g. 9/8, 7/8. 5/4) and harmonies of, as well as connections between these musical traditions. We gather to have fun playing music together, to share musical knowledge and experience, and improve our skills on our instruments. We welcome interested newcomers to join in, regardless of musical experience, and using any kind of instrument (strings, percussion, wind, voice).

Aman Molli https://radar.squat.net/en/aman-molli

Proxy Cafe: opensource music workshop – vol 1

Wednesday March 12, 2025, Proxy Cafe: opensource music workshop (vol 1). Door opens at 18:00.

We are going to to show you the opensource synth “surge-xt” at its basics and share some presets with you. 🙂
Bring your laptop with your favorite daw, a pair of headphones and we will install it and make sound presets together. At the end of the session we are going to share with each other sounds and we are going to create a proxycafe sound pack! See you then and bring your music nerd friends!

Proxy Cafe, a place and moment where we gather to talk about computers, free and opensource software, to follow or give a workshop, share skills. Feel free to come for a workshop, to have a chat, a drink around a pizza!
Free software workshops. Discussing tech and politics, GNU/Linux, fixing computers and revive old laptops, free and opensource software workshops. Zapatista coffee.
Proxy Cafe, Amsterdam https://radar.squat.net/en/amsterdam/proxy-cafe

Radical Sunday School: Open Session, Theory & Practice

Sunday March 9, 2025, Radical Sunday School: Anarchism 101. From 18:00 till 20:00.Back by popular demand, this week at Radical Sunday School, we’ll be talking Anarchism 101! If you’ve ever had questions about what anarchism is, why people would choose to call themselves anarchists, or anything like that, this is the Sunday to come by! We won’t be reading Kropotkin or debating whether we’ll still use money after the capital R “revolution”; instead, we’ll be sitting down with long-time anarchist activists and people who’ve never heard of “the beautiful idea” to find out what anarchism actually means in practice. We’re going to focus on the experiences we’ve had with the problems of our world and how we’ve tried to fix them. So come with an open mind, a couple of friends, and a bit of hope – it’s time to learn and struggle together!

Radical Sunday School
radicalsundayschool [at] riseup [dot] net

All Crafts Are Beautiful

Sunday March 9, 2025, All Crafts Are Beautiful, from 14:00 till 18:00.

Doe deze zondag met ons mee voor All Crafts Are Beautiful! Er is een tijd om samen de barricades op te gaan en er is een tijd om samen te komen om het samenkomen. Kom en breng je eigen handwerkproject mee of leer nieuwe vaardigheden van anderen zoals breien, haken, repareren enz. Vanaf 14:00 tot 18:00, elke tweede zondag van de maand. Joe’s Garage is op de begane grond en heeft een steile ramp bij de entree. De toilet is erg smal. Qua zitplekken is er 1 comfortabele bank en verder zijn er veel houten stoelen en tafels. Tijdens dit evenement wordt er binnen niet gerookt.

Join us this Sunday for All Crafts Are Beautiful! There is a time to go on the barricades together and the is a time to come together for the sake of coming together. Come and bring your own craft project or learn new skills from others like knitting, crocheting, repairing etc. All Crafts Are Beautiful is from 14:00-18:00 every second sunday of the month. Joe’s Garage is on the ground floor and has a very steep ramp at the entrance. The toilet is very narrow. There is one comfy couch and there are a lot of wooden chairs and tables. During this event there is no smoking inside.

All Crafts Are Beautiful https://radar.squat.net/en/amsterdam/all-crafts-are-beautiful

Radical Sunday School: Open Session, Theory & Practice

Sunday February 23, 2025, Radical Sunday School: Open Session, Theory & Practice. From 18:00 till 20:00.In this year’s second open session of Radical Sunday School, we wanted to reflect on what the activist community’s relationship with “theory” and “practice” is. How can RSS play a better role in supporting our community as we try to make the world better?

We have had sessions in the past that we feel have been a bit too “theoretical”, and so we want to hear from all of you: What does it mean to be “too theoretical”? What’s the right balance between theory and practice when it comes to radical education? What would your ideal RSS class look like?

This session is also an opportunity to get to know the collective, ask what we’re trying to work on, and how you can get involved yourself!

Radical Sunday School
radicalsundayschool [at] riseup [dot] net