Info-Benefiet dinner voor Schoon Genoeg in Joe’s en t’Blijvertje


Cleaners had enough! They have been on strike for months to demand decent wages, better working conditions, travel expenses, trainings and for respect.

Steun de Strijd Van de Schoonmakers!

While the cleaners of “Schoon Genoeg!” were demonstrating at Schiphol, Amsterdam CS and Utrecht CS, Dutch Railways and Schiphol Airport made attempts to break their strike in collaboration with some cleaning companies and contractors.

Despite of these efforts and the employers’ calls for stopping the strike, the Union of Cleaners (Vakbond van Schoonmakers/FNV) is determined to go on voicing up “Schoon Genoeg!” till their demands are fulfilled.

In solidarity with the cleaners’ campaign “Schoon Genoeg!”, organized by the Union of Cleaners, we invited the activists/organizers from the union and the cleaners themselves to make two info-evenings and benefit dinners about/for the campaign.

What is “Schoon Genoeg!” about? What has been done and achieved so far? What is next on the agenda? How can we support the campaign?

Benefit dinner will be served after the presentations and discussions.


Info-evening and Benefit Dinner

Monday, 29 March, 20.00

@ Joe’s Garage

Pretoriusstraat 43

Info-evening and Benefit Dinner

Friday, 2 April, 20.00

Live muziek after 22.00

@ ‘t Blijvertje

Derde Oosterparkstraat 64h