Benefiet Voices of Women Media (VOW Media)

VOWDonderdag 20 oktober 2011: VOW Media Benefit – Voku, plus info and short-films “A Day In Her Life”. From 19pm, no reservation, donations welcome.

Voices of Women Media (VOW Media) [] is an emerging organization that aims to provide a way for marginalized communities of women to educate and express themselves through different forms of media. During this fundraiser, we will hold a screening of our past project, “A Day in Her Life.” During the project, we worked with women who have been trafficked and with current and former sex workers.
On one level, we train women who are marginalised in the Netherlands to tell their stories using powerful media tools such as radio, photography, and video. We want to give them the skill and opportunity to express the complexities of their lives. But we don’t stop there. Our goal is to use media to create a more humanized and multi-faceted picture of the sex industry. We want to show this industry as a complex fabric, composed both of women workers who are entitled to demand their rights as workers and women who have been forced into the industry.
This year, we are holding two multi-media workshops for young girls with foreign background and we will also hold a master course with the sex workers from the A Day in Her Life project.”

Preview of the first video from “A Day In Her Life” Workshop 2010.

“A Day In Her Life” (Voices of Women Media, 2010, 18′)
Multimedia workshop for sex workers in Amsterdam’s Red Light District. It consists of 6 short videos – self portraits from different women who work in the windows of the Red Light. A compilation of short movies made by sex workers in the Netherlands through the Voices project. “Our goal is to use media to create a more humanised and multi-faceted picture of the sex industry. We want to show this industry as a complex fabric, composed both of women workers who are entitled to demand their rights as workers and women who have been forced into the industry. Many people looking in from the outside have quite a polarised view. Women are either victims, or they are making choices. But as in any other area of life, there are many grey zones.