Psychedelic Film Night: Midnight Cowboy (1969)


Sunday September 15th 2013, Psychedelic Film Night: Midnight Cowboy (John Schlesinger, 1969, USA, in English). Door opens at 20:00, film begins at 21:00

Dustin Hoffman is Ratso Rizzo, a sleazy small-time conman who dreams of a better life. Jon Voight is Joe Buck, a hunky naive Texan cowboy and gigolo, out searching for love and money amongst the wealthy and love-starved older women of New York. Joe Buck thinks he’s God’s gift to women, but everyone else thinks he’s a joke. Both try and make a life for themselves and end up kicking together in the diners, bedsit and sleazy cinemas of downtown New York, looking for money and human warmth.. “Midnight Cowboy” won an Academy Award for Best Picture, Best Director and Best Screenplay, and boasts two incredible lead performances. It’s also a frank and provocative look at the realities of life in 1960s New York, from the rat-infested bedsits to the glamorous art parties. […Lees verder]

Get legalised or get evicted! Valreep Infonight & Volkseten Vegazulu


Thursday September 5th 2013, Get legalised or get evicted! Valreep Infonight & Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm

In the two years that Valreep has been squatted, it has become an important center of activism, creativity, political ideas, neighbourhood connections, cultural activities, gardening, concerts and parties. Since day one the squatters collective made it clear that our intention is to stay and find a legal solution to be able to run this place into the future. Now, the time has come to make it happen. Within the next two month the Valreep gets legalized or most likely will be evicted next spring. A hot autumn is coming up and we want you to get involved. We will present to you our ideas and intentions. Check our website on previous actions and for our program: […Lees verder]

Movie night: The Pervert’s Guide to Cinema


Sunday September 1st, Movie night: The Pervert’s Guide to Cinema (Sophie Fiennes, USA, 2006, 150 minutes, documentary). Door opens at 20:00, film begins at 21:00.

The Pervert’s Guide to Cinema takes the viewer on an exhilarating ride through some of the greatest movies ever made. Serving as presenter and guide is the charismatic Slavoj Žižek, the Slovenian philosopher and psychoanalyst. With his engaging and passionate approach to thinking, Žižek delves into the hidden language of cinema, uncovering what movies can tell us about ourselves.

Film night at Joe’s Garage, warm and cozy cinema! Doors open at 8pm, film begins at 9pm, free entrance. You want to play a movie, let us know: joe [at] squat [dot] net