Joe’s Garage, open 6 days a week! Quite a full program in November, many events such as the Kinshasha Hacklab Benefit voku, the Kitchenpunx Benefit voku for the “Invisible Borders” exhibition, the mobilization for the December 11th pro-choice demo. Regular events are still Volkseten Vegazulu, KSU Oost, Lonely Collective Day Cafe, give away shop and film night. Extra volunteers to run the social center are always welcome. Drop us an email or come along with your ideas. All benefits go for social & political struggles.
Zondag 7 november:
Film night: The Night Porter (Il Portiere di notte), Liliana Cavani, 1974
A Jewish women (Charlotte Rampling) sees back the SS officer from the concentration camp where she used to be imprisoned. When she was 15 years old the officer forced her into an SM relation with him in which she finally became his willing partner. Both never forgot about the events. Shocking and brutally realistic.
Donderdag 11 november:
Voku: Kitchenpunx Benefit for the “Invisible Borders” exhibition
All profit of the Voku will be donated to the “Invisible Borders” exhibition, which got burned down by Nazis in Zossen in January 2010. On June 21th, the exhibition was reopened at the Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte in Berlin. The exhibition is currently shown in Cottbus.
Zondag 14 november:
Film night: Lavorare con lentezza, Guido Chiesa, 2004
Along with the birth of a free Radio in Bologna (Radio Alice) and the political developments of the radical Italian left, two young men get in touch with a new consciousness which is spreading among the youth. During a rally a student is shot to death in front of them (real story), a friend of them is sent to prison for the beating up of a moneylender. Great movie about a free radio experiment in the Italian 70’s.
Maandag 15 november:
Benefiet voor Gullk, Internet Workspace in Kinshasha, Congo. With Ehtiopian voku, 19:00, no reservation.
In the good old history of PUSCII and ASCII, both Internet Workspaces or ‘Hacklabs’, a Internet Workspace has been setup in Kinshasha Congo. Since the powerhouse blew up, they have electricity by generator. Internet uplink is by sattelite. And all software is free asin freedom. The setup was initiated by a member of the PUSCII collective, and setup from the ground with locals who still run it. In order support this initiative we will have a benefit on Monday the 15th of november. We’ll have african cooking and will be showing photos of the space and the people in Kinshasha. So please be there on the 15th, support our comrades in Congo in fight for free information, free software and free communication. Give as you can and enjoy the wonderful flavors of african food. The initiative: (a truly oldschool, nineties styled website).
Zondag 21 november:
Film night: Stalker, Andrei Tarkovsky, 1979
Near a gray and unnamed city is the Zone, an alien place guarded by barbed wire and soldiers. A man rises in the dead of night: he’s a stalker, one of a handful who have the mental gifts (and who risk imprisonment) to lead people into the Zone to the Room, a place where one’s secret hopes come true. That night, he takes two people into the Zone: a popular writer who is burned out, cynical, and questioning his genius; and a quiet scientist more concerned about his knapsack than the journey. In the deserted Zone, the approach to the Room must be indirect. As they draw near, the rules seem to change and the stalker faces a crisis.
Zondag 28 november:
Film night: Das Experiment, Oliver Hirschbiegel, 2001
The movie is based on the infamous “Stanford Prison Experiment” conducted in 1971. A prison is set up in a research lab, complete with cells, bars and surveillance cameras. For two weeks 20 male participants are hired to play prisoners and guards. The ‘prisoners’ are locked up and have to follow the rules, and the ‘guards’ are told simply to retain order without using physical violence. Everybody is free to quit at any time. Soon quarrels arise and the wardens employ ever more drastic sanctions to confirm their authority.
Maandag 29 november:
Voku and mobilization by de Dolle Mollies for the December 11th pro-choice demo.
Opening times:
Ma/Mo: 19.00 Volkseten Vegazulu
Di/Tu: 20.00 – 21.30 Kraakspreekuur
Wo/We: 15.00 – 18.00 Lonely Collective Day Cafe
Do/Th: 19.00 Volkseten Vegazulu
Za/Sa: 14.00 – 18.00 Weggeefwinkel
Zo/Su: 20.00 Filmavond