“Feminism – Who still needs that?” Workshop

Fri./Vri. January 11th 2013: Workshop, 18:00 pm.
What does being a woman mean? What is femininity? What is feminism? What does being a feminist mean? Do we still need feminism nowadays?

Let’s explore and discuss these questions in the safe and creative space of the workshop. It will consist in a series of games and discussions and the final product will be a series of statements about why feminism is still needed or not.

The ideal number of participants is no more than 8. The workshop is open to anyone interested and it is, of course, for free. The learning process goes both ways, so the participants and I will explore and learn together, from each other.

The workshop takes place in Joe’s Garage, on Friday, 11th of Jan, between 18 and 20:30. If you intend on attending the workshop, drop me a line by email.
If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact me at  joeworkshops [at] squat [dot] net.

This event is part of a workshop series about gender and sexuality called “It’s more than what’s in your pants.” Each month, Joe’s will host a workshop on a different theme.
