A few more benefits will take you to Joe’s Garage this month: the Boats 4 People Benefit, the Benefit and info night: “Repression and censorship against anarchist migration activism”, the Aseed Infonight & Benefit Voku and to finish the month, the Huurdersvereniging Benefit & Infonight. The Borrel/Receptie Grote Oost is taken place in Joe’s Garage on Saturday 21st. Two film nights are on the program: War Photographer (documentary from Christian Frei, USA, 2001, 96′) and Tampopo (Juzo Itami, Japan, 1985, 115′), this last one with food on the program! And of course, we need your active participation in Joe’s Garage. Time to join or to drop us a line.
Ma. 09, 19.00, Boats4People Benefit, Volkseten Vegazulu, vegan food, no reservations, donations welcome. With special guests: Diyar and K-Man, saz & baz acoustic duo ( kurdistan / belgium). Boats4People [http://boats4people.org/] zal in juni 2012 de Middellandse Zee opgaan met een vloot van solidaireitsboten. Aan boord zullen activisten en waarnemers de activiteiten van EU-agentschap Frontex in de Middellandse Zee nauwgezet volgen. In de Middellandse Zee wordt de oorlog tegen migratie pijnlijk duidelijk; duizenden mensen verdrinken ieder jaar in de slotgracht rond Fort Europa. De vloot wordt een varend protest tegen de repressieve migratiepolitiek van Europa, dat getekend wordt door een steeds verder toenemende criminalisering, een flinke dosis racisme en dat desastreuze gevolgen heeft. Meer over deze benefit: [https://joesgarage.nl/archives/1488]
Do. 12, 19.00, Benefit and info night: “Repression and censorship against anarchist migration activism”, Volkseten Vegazulu, vegan food, no reservations, donations welcome. On september 13th 2011 anarchist activist and writer (against Dutch and European migration politics) Joke Kaviaar was arrested and held in custody for three days on charges of ‘incitement – with terroris intent’. Meanwhile, her house was searched thoroughly, the police were clearly out on a fishing expedition for more and any information.Nearly three months later, on december 7th, her website http://www.jokekaviaar.nl was taken offline by the Public Prosecution. Within a day the website was back online, as well as many mirrors. At the moment the threat of yet another arrest, for the repeated ‘thought crime’ because she is keeping the ‘incitive’ texts online, is still hanging over her head. More about this event: [https://joesgarage.nl/archives/1769]
Zo. 15, 20.00, Filmavond: War Photographer (documentary from Christian Frei, USA, 2001, 96′). Power of collecting and sharing images is obvious. This documentary shows some of the most powerful images about powers’ wrongdoing and how they could be created. Why do we have to photograph war? (doors open at 20:00, film starts at 20:15)
Ma. 16, 19.00, Aseed Infonight & Benefit Voku [http://www.aseed.net/], Volkseten Vegazulu, vegan food, no reservations, donations welcome
Za. 21, 19.00 Borrel/Receptie Grote Oost.
The year 2011 is behind us. A lot of us did a lot of work. It is time to have a reception and to have speeches of Joe’s, Valreep and the Kraakspreekuur Oost. We are doing this with a reception. The doors will be open at 18:30. We invite you to bring some food.
Zo. 22, 20.00, Food & Filmavond: Tampopo (Juzo Itami, Japan, 1985, 115′). Special screening with food! A great comedy about food and sex starting in a audience reversal. Short stories blended together in a nice long plot if food cooking and love. Note the movie will be served with noodle soup but bringing more food is welcome. This movie makes you literally hungry! (doors open at 20:00, film starts at 20:15:)
Ma. 23, 19.00, Volkseten Vegazulu & film screening: “Justice on Trial”. After diner, “Justice on Trial”, film from Kouross Esmaeli (USA, 2010, 65′), about Mumia Abu-Jamal verdict and due process. [https://joesgarage.nl/archives/1954]
Do. 26, 19.00, Huurdersvereniging Benefit [http://huurdersverenigingoost.nl], Volkseten Vegazulu, vegan food, no reservations, donations welcome
Zo. 29 , 20.00, Huurdersvereniging Infoavond [http://huurdersverenigingoost.nl]
Ma. 30, 19.00, Volkseten Vegazulu & Spearhead (acoustic set). Vegan food, no reservations, donations welcome. After diner, Spearhead’s World Music Of Utrecht is playing. Music starts at 21.00 until 22.00. All Acoustic Session! [https://joesgarage.nl/archives/1965]