Do./Th. 12 Jan. 2012, 19:00 Benefit and info night: “Repression and censorship against anarchist migration activism”. 19.00 Volkseten Vegazulu, vegan food, no reservations, donations welcome.
On september 13th 2011 anarchist activist and writer (against Dutch and European migration politics) Joke Kaviaar was arrested and held in custody for three days on charges of ‘incitement – with terroris intent’. Meanwhile, her house was searched thoroughly, the police were clearly out on a fishing expedition for more and any information.Nearly three months later, on december 7th, her website was taken offline by the Public Prosecution. Within a day the website was back online, as well as many mirrors. At the moment the threat of yet another arrest, for the repeated ‘thought crime’ because she is keeping the ‘incitive’ texts online, is still hanging over her head.
Why is this happening? Is she being prosecuted only because of her writing and why now? Is this attack on free speech and free internet the beginning of more repression against those who fight the state and it’s relentless and murderous oppression against migrants? What can we do to keep spreading our words and call outs, to continue this struggle and not be distracted by oppression against ourselves?
Joke Kaviaar and Steff will tell you all about it tonight. Benefits will be used to fund safe and hard-to-hack-servers for websites such as Joke Kaviaar’s, so it will not be so easy anymore for the censors to do their job.
The info-evening is following the callout to hactivists, see for more information.
Benefit and info night: Repression and censorship against anarchist migration activism