Cinema Italia: Marrakech Express (Gabriele Salvatores, 1989)

Sunday 18 September 2022, Cinema Italia: Marrakech Express (Gabriele Salvatores, 1989), 104 minutes. In Italian with English subtitles. Doors open at 20:00, Film starts at 20:30.

Marrakech Express (1989) is the first film by Gabriele Salvatores on the topic of escaping, which is precisely the opposite of escapism. In the latter everything still and we allow ourselves a moment to forget how pointless is our way of life enjoying otherworldly stories. On the contrary, if we decide to escape we break the rules and get into the adventure of life, far from our comfort zone, without knowing in advance what we are doing, just living life, moment by moment. Marrakech Express is a story not only of escaping but also of life-long friendships, love, and the paradox of exoticism, the more you know it, the more it becomes familiar, losing its charm of distance. Salvatores here is somehow still an unripe fruit but, in his immaturity, he made a film that is forever green.

Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Free entrance. You want to screen a movie, let us know: joe [at] lists [dot] squat [dot] net