we would like to make you aware of the following facts:
… joe’s garage is a squatted place built and run by volunteers in their free time
… this house was taken from a known criminal who was eventually forced to step down as its owner
… we keep our prices low because our goal is create a nice public space not to earn profit
… the money we receive from your contributions is used to keep joe’s running, and support various activist groups here and abroad, such as the resistance in oaxaca, anarchists against the wall in israel, legal support in amsterdam and the support group for women without papers.
… our food is vegetarian or vegan to keep the environmental footprint of our consumption as low as possible
… our selection of beers comes almost exclusively from small local breweries which use traditional methods , often organic ingredients, and almost all the beers are vegan
… our wine and juice selection is entirely organic
… joe’s garage is a central point for political actions in the neighbourhood
… we run a people’s kitchen (monday and thursday), a squatter’s information service(tuesday), a giveaway shop (saturday) and movie evenings (wednesday)
… we are an international group, with active volunteers from countries including the netherlands, germany, austria, france, turkey, greece, canada, the us, chile, italy, eritrea, belgium
… we are organized as a non-hierarchical collective in which each participant has a say that is equally considered.
… we are always open to new volunteers. just speak to the person behind the bar if you are interested in helping.