We always need more volunteers to run the social center. Drop us an email or come along with your ideas. It’s asia month in January at Joe’s Cinema, nice, warm and cozy!
– Zondag 2 january, 20.00: Filmavond – JAPAN – Dolls (Takeshi Kitano 2002)
– Maandag 10 january, 19.00: Benefiet Werkgroep Stop Deportaties, voku met zelfgemaakte seitan http://dc-16.nl/
– Zondag 9 january, 20.00: Filmavond – CHINA – The Platform (Zhang Ke Jia 2000)
– Donderdag 13 january, 19.00: Info-VoKu VersVoko http://www.versvoko.nl/
– Vrijdag 14 january, 20.00 Info Evening about the Tugelaweg Project https://joesgarage.nl/node/549
On the end of a three year legal and political struggle… the reality of a permanent social center in the Transvaalbuurt is within arms reach! The Stadsdeel or local Municiplaity has offered new housing union SoWeTo the opportunity to acquire a building on the Tugelaweg. Visionary residents including local housing activists, artists, architects for sustainability and social justice, and urban permaculture gardeners have joined forces with SoWeTo to make it happen.
But… . the future is still uncertain, we need to lobby the ‘Stadsdeel’ and create a broad base political campaign, we need you, and other people like you, to courageously and lovingly make the TUG theirs, to contribute their time and realize their dreams in this promising space and revolutionary model for Urban sustainability; socially, economically, culturally & ecologically.
Come join us and find out in detail what’s going on. The night will include presentations about the social center; (which can house a cinema, entertainment podium, library and kitchen), the new Housing Union SoWeTo, the Urban Food garden, the social structure, the story so far, and the sustainable renovation of the building.
– Zondag 16 january, 20.00: Filmavond – KOREA Joint Security Area (Chan Wook Park 2000) / My Sassy Girl (Jae-young Kwak 2001)
– Maandag 17 january, 19.00. Kitchenpunx Benefit Voku, Dresden Nazifrei! Info Evening & Mobilisation against the biggest Nazimarch in Dresden (Feb 2011) https://joesgarage.nl/node/548
The Nazi movement has announced numerous events for 2011 to mark the anniversary of the 1945 allied air attacks on Dresden. For many years they have been trying to exploit the bombing of Dresden for their own purposes by linking their agenda with existing myths and the culture of remembrance. In 2010, a broad range a groups succeeded for the first time in stopping Europe’s biggest Nazi protest by crowd blocking. In 2011 we will collectively block the Nazi march – colorfully, noisy, creatively and determined. No fascism, no war – Never again! Vegan Voku (soup, main dish, salad, cakes), Info talk, Mobilization videos and travel infos. Voku 19:00 (no reservation) / Info talk 20:30. “Dresden Nazifrei!” http://dresden-nazifrei.com/
– Zondag 23 january, 20.00: Filmavond – MONGOLIA – Mongol: the Rise of Genghis Khan (2002)
– Zondag 30 january, 19.00: Filmavond – CAMBODIA – Killing Fields (Roland Joffé 1986) / S-21 (Rithy Panh 2003)