Wednesday June 18th 2014, KSA info-night: Nao Vai Ter Copa – The World Cup and its Discontents, 8pm, Spoken language will be English.
While the streets of the Netherlands turn increasingly orange and people are slowly becoming excited about the World cup, many Brazilians have taken to the streets to protest. Under the slogan Nao Vei Ter Copa [You Won’t Have Your World Cup] they are protesting against the massive spending for the World cup, corruption, police violence, the “pacification” of the favelas, lack of public services, rise in the bus fare, and/or capitalism in general.
We will be discussing the social movement that exploded in June last year, what the World Cup means for the social movement in Brazil and what we can expect in the next weeks.
We have some people who will talk about their first hand experiences of activism in Brazil. And we will show short documentary footage on the social price of the World Cup.
An event organized by KSA (Kritische Studenten Amsterdam): Did you expect a more critical environment in your university? Are you disappointed with the lack of political engagement you’ve found there? Not feeling represented by the lobbyist student council groups? Tired of how education and knowledge are primarily in service of economic interests rather than societal? Are you against an educational system that mostly just reproduces class differences and do you want to fight for free and democratically organized education? Then come and join us in making plans on how to reclaim the university. Once a month on Wednesday, we have a open meeting where you can get to know like-minded individuals.