Presentation and discussion on the book Casa Encantada, portrait of the struggle for housing in Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Saturday 11 May 2024, 20:00, presentation and discussion on the book Casa Encantada, portrait of the struggle for housing in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

The book “Casa Encantada (Enchanted House) – Portrait of the struggle for housing in Belo Horizonte during the pandemic” presents illustrations, photographs, and interviews with squatters from Belo Horizonte in 2022 and 2023. Two Brazilian organizers and squatters document nearly 20 abandoned houses in the center of the state of Minas Gerais that have been transformed into social and cultural spaces for people who were homeless and particularly vulnerable during the pandemic.

During the discussion, the comrades from the Kasa Invisível squat will delve into the contexts of the squatting movement and the struggle for land and living spaces in Belo Horizonte. The city is home to at least 100,000 people living in squatted buildings, houses, or territories and hosts one of the largest land conflicts in Latin America. The discussion aims to foster international connections and solidarity.

To support the campaign on Fire Fund:
Kasa Invisível

AFGA movie Screening & Discussion: Queen of Lapa (Theodore Collatos and Carolina Monnerat, 2019)

Friday 5 May 2023, AFGA movie Screening & Discussion: Queen of Lapa (Theodore Collatos and Carolina Monnerat, 2019). Door open at 7:30. screening at 8pm.

As part of a month of events surrounding Sex Work organized by the Anarchist Feminist Group Amsterdam, we will be screening the movie Queen of Lapa, a 1h13 documentary directed in 2019 by Theodore Collatos and Carolina Monnerat about Luana Muniz and her community of trans sex workers in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
After the screening, we hope to have a discussion about the themes brought up in the movie 🙂
More info about the documentary:
(We plan to start the screening at 8 pm, it’s great if you can come from 7:30 to settle in and hear the introduction!).

Anarcha Feminist Group Amsterdam

Movie Night: Com Vandalismo (2013, Brasil) – Benefit Cinema for Rafael Braga

Sunday July 13th 2014 – Com Vandalismo – Benefit Cinema for Rafael Braga, in Portugues with English subtitles. Door opens at 8pm, film begins at 9pm.

Com Vandalismo, Brasil, 2013, 72min, Directed by collective Coletivo Nigeria

This Sundays cinema is not only about screening a movie but also to collect some money for Rafael Braga, 26 years old, who used to live in the streets of Rio de Janeiro but had been arrested last year during the uprising protests against increasing transportation costs, the lack of basic social services and the effects of elitist mega events such as the World Cup. He has been sentenced to 5 years prison in December last year and needs financial support, as he has literally no means of defending himself in the court nor being supported in prison. Logical, skip the final match of this Copa and come to Joes instead. No one is left behind. All donated money will be send to the Cruz Negra Anarquista – ABC Rio de Janeiro.


Rafael Braga was arrested 20th of June 2013 during the protests of 300000 people in Rio de Janeiro [1]. He carried two bottles of cleaning products and a wooden broom when leaving the abandoned shop where he used to live. He says that those tools are being used for his job as car and window cleaner but police took him into custody as they accused him to support protesters with materials for Molotov cocktails [2].

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Não vai ter Copa, só revolta. ABC Rio de Janeiro benefit. Brazil Uprising info night


Monday June 23th 2014: Não vai ter Copa, só revolta. ABC Rio de Janeiro benefit. Brazil Uprising info night, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

In the last few years, and specially after the riots in june 2013, a big social movement wants to say no to the world cup in Brazil. In a country know as the “Country of football” this seems surprising, but the re-arrangement of the cities to enter in the model wanted by the FIFA and a “touristic model” made the poor people even more excluded, cause of that many riot movements happened in the country in these last few years. These movements only got visibility in the international media when in june 2013 massive riots exploded in the whole country.

In spite of the image the Brazilian government tries to create of a country that is economically successful and incredible growing, the social gap between classes is still really big. The 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil are one of the visible results of this economical success for the government. So, the authorities really try to create an image of a country that is modern, where the quality of life grows, and where there’s a kind of “social peace”. […Lees verder]

KSA info-night: Nao Vai Ter Copa – The World Cup and its Discontents

Wednesday June 18th 2014, KSA info-night: Nao Vai Ter Copa – The World Cup and its Discontents, 8pm, Spoken language will be English.

While the streets of the Netherlands turn increasingly orange and people are slowly becoming excited about the World cup, many Brazilians have taken to the streets to protest. Under the slogan Nao Vei Ter Copa [You Won’t Have Your World Cup] they are protesting against the massive spending for the World cup, corruption, police violence, the “pacification” of the favelas, lack of public services, rise in the bus fare, and/or capitalism in general. […Lees verder]

Uprising in Brazil, Info night & Benefit

Uprising in Brazil Info night Benefit Joe's Garage

Monday July 22nd 2013, Uprising in Brazil, Info night & Benefit, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

We will discuss the ongoing situation in Brazil and will show some videos about the riots. Delicatessen vegafood will be served from 7pm. Benefit will go to support our comrades there. EAT & DESTROY!

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchen, every Monday during July and August, at 7pm, vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation. […Lees verder]

Waste Land

Zondag 30 oktober – Filmavond, 20uur: Waste Land (Lucy Walker, João Jardim and Karen Harley, Brazil, 2010, 90′, english subtitles) – Documentary
Waste Land follows renowned artist Vik Muniz as he journeys from his home base in Brooklyn to his native Brazil and the world’s largest garbage dump, Jardim Gramacho, located on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro. There he photographs an eclectic band of “catadores”—self-designated pickers of recyclable materials. Muniz’s initial objective was to “paint” the catadores with garbage. However, his collaboration with these inspiring characters as they recreate photographic images of themselves out of garbage reveals both the dignity and despair of the catadores as they begin to re-imagine their lives.
[…Lees verder]


Tropa de Elite (2007)

20 Feb 2008 – 20:00 – Tropa de Elite (2007) by José Padilha

During a brutal campaign to secure the Pope’s 1997 visit to Rio de Janeiro, Captain Nascimento struggles to find a suitable replacement who will continue the BOPE’s merciless efforts to infiltrate the favelas and wage war against their dominant drug underworld.