Movie night, The Jungle Book (1967) and Comic Propaganda

Sunday July 1st 2012, Movie night with The Jungle book and Comic Propaganda.
19:00 The Jungle Book / 21:00 Comic Propaganda / Door opens at 18:45

19:00 – The Jungle book ( by Walt Disney, 1967, 78′) Mowgli, a young orphan boy, is found in a basket in the deep jungles of Madhya Pradesh, India. Bagheera, a black panther who discovers the baby, promptly takes him to a mother Indian Wolf who has just had cubs. She raises him along with her own cubs and Mowgli soon becomes well acquainted with jungle life. Mowgli is shown ten years later, playing with his wolf siblings… Bagheera the Panther and Baloo the Bear have a difficult time trying to convince a boy to leave the jungle for human civilization.

21:00 – Comic Propaganda by Walt Disney. Between 1942 and 1945, during World War II, Walt Disney was involved in the production of propaganda films for the US government. The widespread familiarity of Walt Disney’s productions benefited the US government in producing pro-American war propaganda in an effort to increase support for the war.

Door opens at 18:45. Film night at Joe’s Garage, nice and cozy cinema! Free entrance. You want to play a movie, let us know: joe [at] squat [dot] net

Vanishing Point, a classic anti-authoritarian cult film

Sunday June 17th, 8pm VANISHING POINT,
a classic anti-authoritarian cult film
high-definition screening
screened by guest programmer Jeffrey Babcock

Directed by Richard Sarafian
105 minutes
In English

Since law-abiding conformity seems to be running rampant these days, I think its time to re-screen this rebellious one-of-a-kind ultra-cult classic! Art film and exploitation road movie come together in Vanishing Point, an existential car chase film that races across the desert in a post- Easy Rider America. Barry Newman stars as Kowalski, a drug dealer who bets that he can drive his Dodge Challenger from Denver to San Francisco in 15 hours. He then loads up on amphetamines and begins his full-throttle journey through the American desert, picking up the wrath of the cops who are trying to stop him. When a hip black DJ (Cleavon Little) learns about Kowalski’s odyssey, he turns the driver into a folk hero on his radio broadcasts, declaring him the “last free Man on Earth“. The amazing car chases and excellent stunt work are set against the American west, beautifully captured by cinematographer John A. Alonzo. Vanishing Point is most assuredly a product of its time, the heady, anything-goes era of rebellion in the early 1970s.
And maybe you know already, but this is the wonderful film that Tarantino rants on about in his film Deathproof. […Lees verder]

Benefiet for political prisoner 1st of May in Montevideo


montevideoThursday June 14th 2012, 19pm Benefiet Voku for political prisoner in Montevideo (Uruguay). Anarchistische kameraad in de gevangenis voor confrontaties met stakingsbrekers op de eerste mei. Wat de staat bestraft is niet enkel de actie zelf. Wat bestraft wordt is het niet rustig en zwijgzaam blijven, de weigering het hoofd buigen of de andere kant opkijken, het niet passief blijven in deze wereld van uitbuiting.

Tegelijkertijd fungeert het als een lesje voor iedereen die weigert de levensvoorwaarden die de machtigen en de uitbuiters ons hebben opgelegd te aanvaarden. Het fungeert als een lesje voor ons, die pretenderen te breken met deze manier van leven. Wat ze willen is angst creëren. David is een anarchistische kameraad die al meer dan 15 jaar tussen ons strijdt, vanaf het oude anarcho-punk verzet in zijn tienerjaren, tot de gelederen van het Sindicato Unico del Automovil con Taximetros y Telefonistas (SUATT, Enig Syndicaat voor Taxi en Telefoon) en verschillende anarchistische collectieven. […Lees verder]

Filmavond: Alice in Wonderland (original film from 1951)

Zo./Su. 24 juni 2012, Filmavond, 20uur: Alice in Wonderland (Clyde Geronimi, Wilfred Jackson, Hamilton Luske, USA, 1951, 75′).
Written by Lewis Carroll (1865). It tells of a girl named Alice who falls down a rabbit hole into a wold populated by peculiar, anthropomorphic creatures. The tale plays with logic, giving the story lasting popularity with adults as well as children. It is considered to be one of the best examples of the literary nonsense genre.

Film night at Joe’s Garage, nice and cozy cinema! Doors open at 20:00, film starts at 20:15, free entrance. You want to play a movie, let us know: joe [at] squat [dot] net

Infonight on activism and safety by Buro Jansen & Janssen

Buro Jansen & Janssen infonightWednesday 13th of June 2012, starting at 8pm, you are invited to join an infonight/workshop by Buro Jansen & Janssen [] in Joe’s Garage on activism & safety. Buro Jansen & Janssen is a research agency that critically  investigates police, judiciary and intelligence services. A fundamental rights collective that publishes on expanding powers and oppressive laws, especially in its own publications on the Internet. Sometimes a support group for people who unwillingly are followed or persecuted. During the night you will learn about the do’s and don’ts of activism regarding safety. Safety, for yourself and your fellow activists. How to organize yourself, how to avoid ending up in a police cell, and if you do end up there, how to deal with it. You will obtain inside in the tricks they use to get information out of you which you do not want to share. How to protect yourself from it and be prepared for it. […Lees verder]

Benefiet voku Buro Jansen&Janssen

Monday 11th of June, 7pm Benefiet voku Buro Jansen & Janssen

Buro Jansen & Janssen is een onderzoeksburo dat politie, justitie en inlichtingen- diensten kritisch volgt en daar gevraagd of ongevraagd een mening over geeft. Een grondrechtenkollektief dat publiceert over uitbreiding van bevoegdheden en repressieve wetgeving in vooral haar eigen uitgavenen op het internet. Soms een steungroep voor mensen die ongewild gevolgd of vervolgd worden. Een vraagbaak voor burgers, maar ook politici, journalisten en andere onderzoekers. En meestal een combinatie van dit al.

Buro Jansen & Janssen is a research agency that critically  investigates police, judiciary and intelligence services. A fundamental rights collective that publishes on expanding
powers and oppressive laws, especially in its own publications on the Internet. Sometimes a support group for people who unwillingly are followed or persecuted. A source of information for citizens, but also politicians, journalists and other researchers. And usually a combination of all of this.

Benefiet voor het SPekulatie Onderzoeks Kollektief (SPOK)

Th./Do. 7 juni 2012, 19:00, Benefiet voor het SPekulatie Onderzoeks Kollektief (SPOK)

Het SPOK is een vrijwilligers organisatie die in wisselende samenstelling al vanaf eind jaren ’70 onderzoek doet en publiceert over makelaars, huisbazen, vastgoedtransacties, woonbeleid en nog veel meer. Publicaties kun je oa lezen op hun site . De publicaties van het SPOK zorgen zo nu en dan voor opschudding. Voor al het onderzoek, uitzoekwerk, publicaties en soms een rechtszaak heeft het SPOK poen nodig, vandaar dit benefiet. Speculanten zijn zwijnen.

Volkseten Vegazulu is every monday and thursday, vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation

Filmavond: Momo

Zo./Su. 3 juni 2012, Filmavond, 20uur: Momo (Johannes Schaaf, D, 1986, 101′) with English subtitles.

In the ruins of an amphitheatre just outside an unnamed city lives Momo, a little girl of mysterious origin. She is remarkable in the neighbourhood because she has the extraordinary ability to listen. All of a sudden her patient friends become obsessed with saving time and money and no longer have time for others expect themselves… The story is a modern fairy tale about how to deal with time. […Lees verder]