Gary Burns, Canada’s king of surreal comedy, joins journalist Jim Brown on an outing to the suburbs. Venturing into territory both familiar and foreign, they turn the documentary genre inside out, crafting a vivid account of life in The Late Suburban Age.
Radiant City (2006)
War Made Easy (2007)
War Made Easy reaches into the Orwellian memory hole to expose a 50-year pattern of government deception and media spin that has dragged the United States into one war after another from Vietnam to Iraq.
Aannemer PS28 gekraakt!
Zondag 20 juli 2008 heeft kraakgroep de pijp de bovenetages aan de Albert Cuypstraat 40-42 gekraakt. De eigenaren van deze panden zijn niet alleen speculanten die op kosten van Amsterdamse huurders en toekomstige kopers dikke winst willen binnenslepen, maar horen ook tot dezelfde kring van investeerders uit de provincie, die inmiddels 2,5 jaar geleden het kraakbolwerk aan de Pretoriusstraat 28 hebben aangekocht, na de arrestatie en het faillissement van de voormalige eigenaar Joe McCarthy.
Fritz the Cat (1972)
A persiflage on the protest movements of the 60s. It’s hero is the bold and sex-obsessed tom-cat Fritz the Cat, as created by the legendary underground artist Robert Crumb. Quitting university Fritz the Cat wanders through the hash, Black Panther and Hell’s Angels scenes to find to himself.
door opens 20:00 film starts 20:30
Crabgrass demonstration
Crabgrass is a software libre web application designed for social networking, group collaboration and network organizing. Our goal is to create communication tools that are tailored specifically to meet the needs of bottom up grassroots organizing.