Kitchenpunxxx Soli Voku for de Valreep

Ma./Mo. 29 Aug. 2011: Kitchenpunxxx Soli Voku for de Valreep at 19.00, no reservation needed.
De Valreep, new social center in Amsterdam, former pet asylum squatted on July 24th 2011.

September 2011 Joe’s Garage program

Joe’s Garage is re-opening 6 days a week from september 1st. Come and join us. You want to help in the kitchen, in the give away shop, you want to play a movie, organize an info night, a benefit or a workshop. You and us are making Joe’s Garage alive, so dare to engage into discussions with us and find out where you would like to help. Or mail us at joe [at] squat [dot] net

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Benefiet voku for the Swammerdamstraat 12

Ma./Mo. 15 Aug. 2011: at 19.00, no reservation needed.
Swammerdamstraat 12 was squatted on July 10th 2011. The money raised will be used for a court case against the state, in case of an eviction threat. More details about the Swammerdamstraat 12 here

Soli Voku voor de gearresteerde demonstranten tegen de repressie van justitie en politie

Ma./Mo. 8 Aug. 2011: Soli Voku voor de (nog) gearresteerde demonstranten tegen de repressie van justitie en politie at 19.00, no reservation needed.
“I refuse to be banned!” Anti-heros against sexism, antisemitism and repression preparing a solidarity-voku for the people who got arrested at the eviction of the Schijnheilig, especially for those who went to jail for weeks. Solidarity is a waffle.