November 2013 at Joe’s Garage

Sunday November 3rd 2013, Movie night, A Scanner Darkly (Richard Linklater, 2006, 100′). Door opens at 20:00, film begins at 21:00. The war on drugs has been lost, and when a reluctant undercover cop is ordered to spy on those he is closest to, the toll that the mission takes on his sanity is too great to comprehend in director Richard Linklater’s rotoscoped take on Philip K. Dick’s classic novel. [read more]

Monday November 7th 2013, Mapuche Benefit, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm. […Lees verder]

Kritische Studenten Avond

Wednesday November 27th 2013, Kritische Studenten Avond, 8pm.

Did you expect a more critical environment in your university? Are you disappointed with the lack of political engagement you’ve found there? Not feeling represented by the lobbyist student council groups? Tired of how education and knowledge are primarily in service of economic interests rather than societal? Are you against an educational system that mostly just reproduces class differences and do you want to fight for free and democratically organized education? Then come and join us in making plans on how to reclaim the university. Every second and fourth Wednesday of the month we have a open meeting where you can get to know like-minded individuals. […Lees verder]

Movie Night: Ucho (1970)


Who is afraid of Big Brother? – Sunday November 24th 2013, Movie night, Ucho (The Ear) from Karel Kachyna, Czechoslovakia, 1970, in Czech language with English subtitles. Writers: Karel Kachyna, Jan Procházka (screenplay), starring Jirina Bohdalová, Radoslav Brzobohatý, Gustav Opocenský. Door opens at 20:00, film begins at 21:00.

This highly-charged political satire from Czechoslovakia was banned for 20 years. It is the chronicle of a miserable marriage between a provincial bureaucrat and the boozy daughter of a pub-owner who find trouble when they learn through the grapevine that one of the husband’s superior’s has been arrested. Now the husband fears that a major purge is in the offing. Their fears are not allayed by the fact that their house keys have disappeared, nor can they shake the feeling that someone is watching them. Things don’t get any better when they finally get into the house and find signs that someone has been in there. […Lees verder]

Kaikoesie Benefit

Monday November 18th 2013, Kaikoesie Benefit, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm

Kaikoesie Foundation was founded on 19 November 1986 and it main goal is to protect the Indigenous people and heritage in Suriname by creating awareness of the disastrous environmental consequences of current practices of gold mining in Suriname. The Foundation is becoming more dynamic and wants to start new projects in 2014. Namely, a children and youth motivational program, a women empowerment program and a calling for a global awareness about the necessity to implement fair trade gold. To put this projects in practice we need to do many fundraising activities. Come to taste amazing food with a touch of Surinamese cuisine, get to know our projects and help us if you can. […Lees verder]

Solidarity event for activists from Maribor, acoustic music & food


Sunday November 17th 2013, 6pm – Solidarity event for activists from Maribor, acoustic music by Alessandro Seul, food and more. After the Global Uprisings conference, meet up and socialize.

Last November in Slovenia the wave of people’s uprisings started. Against corruption, austerity, expropriation of people, lack of perspective and precarity. Uprisings started in Maribor with huge participation of people. On third uprising that has led to dismissal of mayor Kangler every fifth inhabitant of the town participated. State reaction was brutal. Non discriminate use of police force, including huge amount of teargas and cavalry and 120 arrests. Among arrested 28 people were detained preventively for a month. Later court processes started and first were sentenced to seven month in prison this September. Others are still waiting for processes. In Maribor group of militant researchers is trying to organize resistance against such criminalization of uprisings by building solidarity network.

Door opens at 6pm. Vegan food on donation, no reservation. All benefits go for people arrested last year in Slovenia. Music performance by Alessandro Seul (guitar, voice)

Solidarity is for white women. A discussion about feminism and intersectionality

we can all do it

Friday November 15th 2013. Solidarity is for white women. A discussion about feminism and intersectionality. 6:30pm

In her book ‘Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center,’ Bell Hooks gives one simple definition for feminism: ‘[it] is a movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression.’

While most feminists can agree on the first two: ending sexism and sexist exploitation, there has been a lot of debate about the different types of oppression which are not taken into consideration by some types of feminism. A lot of debate around the question Is solidarity just for white middle-class highly educated white women? […Lees verder]

Kazova Occupied Benefit

Thursday November 14th 2013, Kazova Occupied Benefit, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm

Kazova textile workers from Istanbul began their resistance movement on February 27th, 2013 after their dismissal with their 4 unpaid wages and severance pay. Then on April 28th, they set a resistance tent in front of the factory and on June 28th they occupied it. Since then they have been producing pullovers with the machines they repaired after the occupation. They produced clothing to the victims from the Van earthquake in October 2011. They still keep on resistance and here they tell about their project of production without a boss. […Lees verder]

Kritische Studenten Avond with Frank Lopez ( & Naus Steves

Wednesday November 13th, Kritische Studenten Avond, 8pm. Speakers: Frank Lopez ( & Naus Steves on students strikes in Montreal and fracking in New Brunswick (Canada).

Frank Lopez and Naus Steves will be in Amsterdam to take part in the Global Uprisings Conference []

Did you expect a more critical environment in your university? Are you disappointed with the lack of political engagement you’ve found there? Not feeling represented by the lobbyist student council groups? Tired of how education and knowledge are primarily in service of economic interests rather than societal? Are you against an educational system that mostly just reproduces class differences and do you want to fight for free and democratically organized education? Then come and join us in making plans on how to reclaim the university. Every second and fourth Wednesday of the month we have a open meeting where you can get to know like-minded individuals. […Lees verder]