Benefit for the political prisoners in Turkey. Music with the Resonant Rogues

Monday 21st August 2017, Benefit for the political prisoners in Turkey, from 7pm. Music with the Resonant Rogues from 8:30pm till 10pm.

Our Kurdish friends are back for their monthly benefit for the political prisoners in Turkey. After the food, on the stage, music with the Resonant Rogues from Asheville, North Carolina, duo accordion, banjo, guitar, vocals, suitcase, percussion. Two years ago, the Resonants Rogues played all the squats in Amsterdam. Their tour blog is all about what they experienced in Amsterdam and further.

“American folk music has always had a populist perspective, a vision of music made by the people, for the people. Asheville, North Carolina roots band The Resonant Rogues know this well, for they’ve traveled the byways and highways of America, even crossed the water to Europe and the Mediterranean with instruments and songs in tow. Anchored by the songwriting duo Sparrow and Keith Smith, the Rogues have shared songs with train-hoppers in New Orleans, busked on the streets of Budapest, learned Turkish Romani dance in Istanbul, and marched in protest in the hills of Appalachia. Throughout, the stories they’ve heard and the people they’ve met have fueled their music, which abounds with influences like Eastern European Romani brass bands, New Orleans street jazz, old-time stringbands, Woody Guthrie anti-fascist folk, French jazz manouche, and Middle Eastern rhythms. It’s not easy to pull off such a bold combination of genres, but The Resonant Rogues learned this music in person from the people who created it, so they have a tie to each tradition and a working knowledge of what this music means to the ordinary people that make this music every day. It’s a tintype view on the modern world,a cracked image that reflects the past through a prism of the future.” […Lees verder]

Benefit for the G20 arrestees

Monday 14th August 2017, Benefit for the G20 arrestees in Hamburg. Volkseten Vegazulu at 7pm.

NL25 INGB 0007 6604 36
o.v.v. G20

United We Stand

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchen, every monday and thursday, all year long. Door opens at 7pm. Vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation. In July and August, the people’s kitchen is closed on thursday.

We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. Enjoying it is a must. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, send an email to joe [at] squat [dot] net and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.

Summer opening times and program

Tuesday: 20.00 – 21.30 Kraakspreekuur KSU Oost
Saturday: 14.00 – 18.00 Freeshop (only July 1st, 15th, 22th, August 5th, 19th)

We are closed on Thursday. Joe’s Garage is sometimes open on Monday, only if there are people cooking and enough volunteers around.

So far, Joe’s will be open on these mondays:
July 10th, Benefit for the political prisoners in Turkey, music with Bordelestino from Santiago de Chile. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm
July 17th, Benefit for Art & Craft Workshops for Asylum Seekers, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm
July 24th, Benefit for a stichting busy with microcredit and drugs prevention in Argentina, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm
July 31st, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm
August 14th, Benefit for the G20 arrestees. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm
August 21st, Benefit for the political prisoners in Turkey, 7pm then music with the Resonant Rogues, from Asheville, North Carolina, duo accordion, banjo, guitar, vocals, suitcase, percussion.

If you want to cook, organize a benefit or any event, please mail a proposal. More events will probably pop up during the summer. Keep an eye on this blog and on this Radar page:

Please, keep in mind Joe’s Garage is run by volunteers. Without you volunteering, without your active participation, we are closed. If you feel concerned to find a closed door, please consider volunteering. You can mail to joe [at] squat [dot] net or you talk to one of us to figure out when there is a free slot in the kitchen. Thanks a lot for your active participation.

“June 27th, banner on the Pretoriusstraat 43 in solidarity of the 13 activists arrested on the Hemweg, Amsterdam during actions on Saturday June 24th.”