Cinerevolt: Commando 52 (1965) & The Laughing Man (1966) by Walter Heynowski & Gerhard Scheumann

Sunday February 23, 2025, Cinerevolt #2: Commando 52 (1965, 37 min) & The Laughing Man (1966, 66 min), two films by Walter Heynowski & Gerhard Scheumann * doors open at 20:00 * intro & first film starts at 20:30.

Today we hear of the Congo by means of its minerals first, and its people second. One determines the other: cobalt means poverty, gold means war, diamonds mean repression. There was a time when this dynamic was challenged, as Patrice Lumumba did when he asked “all Congolese citizens, men, women and children, to set themselves resolutely to the task of creating a national economy and ensuring our economic independence”. Nominal independence is no problem, economic independence is unforgivable. Mere months after taking office, Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba was removed from office, kidnapped, and eventually assassinated with the support of the American, British, and Belgian intelligence agencies. In the imperialist war on Congolese self-determination, brutal merdenaries came down upon the Lumumbaist rebels of the Simba and Kwilu rebellions. It is upon these agents of destruction, the mercenaries, that Heynowski and Scheumann train their lens. The two East-German filmmakers first made Commando 52, a short documentary combining still photographs taken of the mercenaries in Congo with interviews and voice over narration. The second film, The Laughing Man, was made by posing as West-German journalists in order to interview Siegfried Muller. The film consists of this single interview with Muller, a Nazi-turned-mercenary charged with the destruction of Lumumbaist rebels. Together these two films paint a sinister portrait of the perpetrators of these atrocities and the narratives they live in, and demonstrate clearly the direct translation of Nazism into American & NATO imperialism.

Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Free entrance. You want to screen a movie, let us know: joe [at] lists [dot] squat [dot] net

Movie night: The Uprising (Pravini Baboeram, 2019)

Sunday 2 july 2023, Movie night: The Uprising (Pravini Baboeram, 2019) * 94 minutes * Languages: English & Dutch * English subtitles * Doors open at 20:30, intro & film start at 21:00.

The Uprising is a documentary that connects colonialism to the common challenges that different communities of colour witness in contemporary society. The director analyses in nine written songs and with thirteen interviews how the heritage of colonialism is still rooted in nowadays society and how this heritage criminalises social/political struggles against racism. The struggles that are analysed in this documentary includes the struggle against blackface, the struggle for recognition of Dutch’s crimes in Indonesia, the fight for liberation of Palestine and the struggle for an inclusive society. The documentary ends with some suggestion for future resistance movements in order to create a new world of plurality and diversity. Trailer:

About the director:

Pravini Baboeram is an artist and activist from the Netherlands who use art to create social change. She holds a master degree in Media & Culture studies from UVA in Amsterdam. She has her own production label and was founder of several action against racism and cultural appropriation.

Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Free entrance. You want to screen a movie, let us know: joe [at] lists [dot] squat [dot] net