Proxy Cafe – DJ workshop with Mixxx pt4 – Match the beat

Wednesday 22 May 2024, Proxy Cafe – DJ workshop with Mixxx pt4 – Match the beat. Door opens 18:00, workshop starts at 20:00.

DJ workshop with the music software Mixxx which is free and opensource and available for Linux, Macos, Windows etc…
We will have some local DJs explaining the basics of mixing music with a hands on workshop where we will all try to mix a couple of tracks.
Bring your laptop and headphones if you want to have it setup in your machines or feel free to just come for a talk, fix your linux computer or listen to some tunes spinned by the folks.
Frzn Pzzs

Proxy Cafe, free software workshops, discussing tech and politics, GNU/Linux, fixing computers and revive old laptops, free and opensource software workshops. Zapatista coffee.
Proxy Cafe, Amsterdam

Proxy Cafe – The Pirate’s Guide to the (web)Galaxy

Wednesday 8 May 2024 from 18:00 to 22:00, Proxy Cafe – The Pirate’s Guide to the (web)Galaxy

Ahoy mateys! If ye shed a tear when Netflix forbade sharin’ accounts, or if ye be plum tuckered from listenin’ to Spotify’s bilge rat ads, don’t miss out on this evenin’ at Proxy Cafe. Bring yer own barnacle-covered laptop, an’ we’ll explore a bounty o’ protocols fer file sharin’ an’ bring back some nostalgia on the history o’ internet piracy. From Gnutella to PirateBay, an’ to whatever new adventures await on the high seas. Arrrr!

If you also cried when Netflix forbid sharing accounts, or if you are tired of listening to Spotify’s advertisements don’t miss out this evening at Proxy Cafe. Bring your own laptop, we will explore tons of protocols for file sharing and bring back some nostalgia on the history of internet piracy. From Gnutella to PirateBay, and to whatever is next.

Proxy Cafe, free software workshops. Discussing tech and politics, GNU/Linux, fixing computers and revive old laptops, free and opensource software workshops. Zapatista coffee. […Lees verder]

Proxy Cafe – Smash the firewall: digital defense for the misfits

Wednesday 24 April 2024 from 18:00 to 22:00, Proxy Cafe – Smash the firewall: digital defense for the misfits

Do you sense that whisper of paranoia lingering in the air?
Well, we’ve got your back. We’re going to share some hard-earned lessons about staying safe and secure in the digital world – aimed at people in squats and involved in radical movements.
We won’t be diving deep into technical details, but rather covering all the essentials: like passwords, data security, browsing habits, smartphone usage, and metadata. Most importantly, we’ll discuss what it means to stay anonymous and understand potential threats models.
The content is based on a presentation that’s been touring squats and radical spaces in Italy, put together by the folks at the _TO* hacklab.
You can check out the original slides here, in italian:

Proxy Cafe, free software workshops. Discussing tech and politics, GNU/Linux, fixing computers and revive old laptops, free and opensource software workshops. Zapatista coffee. […Lees verder]

Proxy Cafe, Radar workshop

Wednesday 17 january 2024 from 18:00 to 22:00, Proxy Cafe, Radar workshop.

A workshop to share and learn how to publish events, administrate a group, translate pages, import events further (your mail client, your calendar), get your Radar events displayed on a different website, a wordpress based blog, like or , as a widget or as a page.
If your events are already published on a website, on a wordpress instance, we’ll discuss how to import them in Radar, which wordpress calendar plugins are available, which ones to use or avoid.…

Proxy Cafe: free software workshops. Discussing tech and politics, GNU/Linux, fixing computers and revive old laptops, free and opensource software workshops. Zapatista coffee.

Proxy Cafe, Amsterdam
Twice a month on wednesday from 18:00 till 22:00 @ Joe’s Garage.

Proxy Cafe, DJ workshop with Mixxx on Linux (Part 1)

Wednesday 6 December 2023, Proxy Cafe, DJ workshop with Mixxx on Linux (Part 1), from 18:00 to 22:00. Workshop starts at 20 o’clock.

How to DJ workshop with Mixxx on Linux and not only! Mixxx is a software for virtual DJing, which is free and opensource, available for GNU/Linux, Windows, Macos and Android. We will invite some DJs from Leftover Radio that will show you the program, basic of music mixing and some tricks! Bring your computer and a pair of headphones if you want to do some “hands on” exercises during the evening.
You can expect as always the Proxy Cafe vibes with music, people talking and chilling, hacking, computers fixing and our famous frozen pizzas 🙂
The second part of the workshop will be done in January 2024.

Leftover Radio
Proxy Cafe, Amsterdam

Proxy Cafe, basic IT security practices

Wednesday 25 October 2023, Proxy Cafe, basic IT security practices, from 18:00 to 22:00.

A workshop to teach basic IT security practices for computers and smartphones. We will try to focus a bit on every OS and then on Linux. Also an evening to just chill, have a drink and hack with your friends 🙂
Proxy Cafe: free software workshops. Discussing tech and politics, GNU/Linux, fixing computers and revive old laptops, free and opensource software workshops. Zapatista coffee.

Proxy Cafe, Amsterdam

Proxy Cafe, film subtitling and captioning

SUBTITLING AND CAPTIONING WORKSHOP [for tecchies, activists & film-loving wordwranglers]

Wednesday 19/4 (19:00) at Joe’s Garage: overview of all the different free tools that have emerged (and agonized) through the ages, with clues as to which one to use for what purpose. Bring your laptop (+mouse, +headphones, +pendrive) if you want to dive right into it and play around with them after the presentation.

Sunday 23/4 (14:00) at Joe’s Garage: more of the same on Sunday, but with ideas about ‘correct’ language, ‘faithful’ translation, ‘readable’ lines, etc. Why are all these things in scare quotes? Because there are rules about them, of course. Mountains of rules. Impossibly contradictory rules. It’s a tyranny out there, sister.

Wednesday 26/4 (18:00) at Filmhuis Cavia has just added an extra session for projectionists on Wednesday 26, at 18:00, plus a little ‘graduation ceremony’ on the big screen.

Proxy Cafe: free software workshops. Discussing tech and politics, GNU/Linux, fixing computers and revive old laptops, free and opensource software workshops. Zapatista coffee.

The first 30 minutes are for landing in the space, despairing about forgotten chargers or headphones, minimal introductions, and running to the shop for frozen pizza (or byo veggie leftovers).

Proxy Cafe, Amsterdam

Proxy Cafe, making maps, importing calendars

Wednesday 15 march 2023, Proxy Cafe, making maps, importing calendars, from 18:00 to 22:00.

How to make a map with several layers? uMap [] lets you create maps with OpenStreetMap layers in a minute and embed them in your site. Also on the program of this Proxy Cafe, managing your own Thunderbird calendar, importing calendar feeds []. And if you’re still using Proton mail, Google and Hotmail, it’s not too late to move to something else. We’ll be playing with all these tools. Proxy Cafe: free software workshops. Discussing tech and politics, GNU/Linux, fixing computers and revive old laptops, free and opensource software workshops. Zapatista coffee.

Proxy Cafe, Amsterdam