Radical Sunday School: How to dress like an anarchist

Sunday September 8, 2024, Radical Sunday School: How to dress like an anarchist. From 18:00 till 20:00.Clothes form a central part of human life. Each day we choose what to wear, to dress the part in the theatre of life. On this stage, every item of clothing is entwined with some meaning. Think of how skirts symbolize femininity, how uniforms represent authority, or how the color black denotes rebellion. Such meanings inevitably regulate the ways we dress.

The world is riddled with dress codes – coded meanings that are oppressive and restrictive in nature. Our choices of clothing are limited in this regard, not really our own. Capitalism regulates, exploits, and reinforces these coded meanings for profit. Exploitative labor practices, furthermore, pervade the fashion industry. Clothes are a thorny question… especially for anarchists.

What are the meanings of our clothes anyway? How are we to dress without reinforcing exploitation? How can we dress in ways as not to be complicit to oppression? What can we do to counteract the power and oppression of clothes? What would be the right strategy to liberate our clothes (and ourselves)? Should we simply stop caring? Opt-out of clothing all together? Or should we embrace and expand our clothing options? Embrace the creativity and self-expression of clothes? How do our clothes fit in(to) the movement? How to dress like an anarchist…?

Come join us for tonight’s session. Come dressed up as you, that is, as you are or otherwise want to be – or pick your most provocative, anarchistic, Marxist, or creative outfit. No garment is off-limit!


Radical Sunday School
radicalsundayschool [at] riseup [dot] net

Radical Sunday School: Demands, Limits and Ethics of Activism

Sunday September 1st, 2024, Radical Sunday School: Demands, Limits and Ethics of Activism. From 18:00 till 20:00.

Activism can be seriously demanding. In our fight for all that is right we tend to impose heavy demands on ourselves as well as on others: the fight is never-ending, no cause too great, no action too steep. Many of us (aspiring) activists will recognize the constant (inner) call for action, while also at the same time feeling helpless at the excruciating limits of our own activism – it just never seems enough.

This heavy (self-)imposed burden can create unhealthy, unsustainable, toxic, and even outright dangerous situations.

Tonight’s session is inspired by the book ‘Joyful Militancy’. During this session we would like to explore these pitfalls in activism, the demands and the limits. So that we may better protect ourselves against them, and engage in more healthy, communal, sustainable and, above all, joyful ways of activism.

Open to battle-scarred veteran activists, newbies, and anything in between or beyond that.

Radical Sunday School
radicalsundayschool [at] riseup [dot] net

Radical Sunday School: Solarpunk, What Would a Brighter Future Look Like?

Sunday 14 July 2024, Radical Sunday School: Solarpunk, What Would a Brighter Future Look Like? From 17:30 till 20:00.

When you imagine the world you want to live in, what do you see?
There is no shortage of events these days that remind us of the problems that exist in the modern world. From wars, famines, genocides to rent hikes, intolerance and local corruption. And as it always seems to be, we can talk endlessly about these problems, their causes, and how awful it is they exist at all
It’s important we talk about them, but we also need to hope for something more than just “solutions”. A better world is possible, and the art movement of Solarpunk is something that can help us give form to the jumble of left-wing, ecological, anti-authoritarian and progressive ideas in our heads.
Solarpunk attempts to combine a utopian vision of our future, where we live ecologically, communally, equally, with a practical and achievable outlook. Come by our session to learn more about how Solarpunk can help you see that future worth fighting for! […Lees verder]

Radical Sunday School: Kill the nuclear family in your head

Sunday 16 June 2024, Radical Sunday School: Kill the nuclear family in your head. From 17:30 till 20:00.

How does our society push us to pursue romantic relationships whether we want them or not? The idea of the nuclear family (two heterosexual parents and a handful of their biological children) doesn’t just dominate mainstream cis het society, but finds its way into the minds of the queer community. How can we get away from this brainwashing and value all of our important relationships (especially the ones outside the romantic spectrum)? […Lees verder]

Radical Sunday School: Student Movements, Then and Now. From Maagdenhuis to Binnengasthuisterrein

Sunday, June 9,  2024, Radical Sunday School: Student Movements, Then and Now. From Maagdenhuis to Binnengasthuisterrein. From 17:30 till 20:00.

They say “revolutions happen before the revolutionaries know what’s going on”, and in both the cases of the Maagdenhuis occupation (2015) and the Binnengasthuisterrein barricades (2024), organizers were take by surprise when masses of students occupied university buildings. Reflecting on the almost 10 years that have passed, we should wonder: what can these occupations tell us about revolutionary organizing, sustaining movements, and radicalizing new people (especially those outside the bubble)? […Lees verder]

Radical Sunday School: Mad Pride! Psychiatric Abolition as a Movement

Sunday 26 May 2024, Radical Sunday School: Mad Pride! Psychiatric Abolition as a Movement. From 17:30 till 20:00.

Are you sick of having your personality traits be labeled symptoms?
Do you think normal reactions to abmnormal situations are NOT “disorders”?
How would so called “mental illnesses” look without the societal stigma around them?
Do you think it’s the system that’s sick, not you?
Well then come to discuss this (and more!) […Lees verder]

Radical Sunday School: Fighting housing injustice with the BPW

Sunday 26 May 2024, Radical Sunday School: Fighting housing injustice with the BPW. From 17:30 till 20:00.Join Our Workshop on Fighting Housing Injustice!

Are you concerned about housing insecurity and want to make a difference? Join our workshop on the Bond Precaire Woonvormen (BPW), the Union Against Precarious Housing. BPW stands up for the rights of those living in temporary, precarious, or overpriced housing, helping tenants claim their right to secure and affordable homes.

In this session, you’ll learn how BPW organizes residents into solidarity networks, offering moral, legal, and organizational support. Discover how they mobilize national networks of committed tenants, volunteers, and action groups to fight for housing rights. As a self-help organization, BPW empowers tenants to take action, fostering a sustainable movement for housing security.

We’ll explore real-life examples of how BPW has successfully drawn public and political attention to the issues faced by precarious tenants, through articles, demonstrations, and direct action. Whether you’re directly affected or want to support the cause, this workshop provides practical insights and steps to join the fight for housing justice.

Join us and be part of a growing movement dedicated to ensuring housing security for all. Together, we can make a difference!
Bond Precaire Woonvormen (BPW) https://bondprecairewoonvormen.nl
BPW Amsterdam https://radar.squat.net/en/amsterdam/bpw-amsterdam
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Radical Sunday School: Burnt Out? Health and Illness Under Post-Fordism

Sunday 12 May 2024, Radical Sunday School: Burnt Out? Health and Illness Under Post-Fordism. From 18:00 till 20:00.After the Second World War, the dominant mode of the organisation of economic production was Fordist, meaning that workers were employed in large factories on permanent contracts mainly performing carefully determined physical labour that did not require much creativity. However, during the 1970s, a shift occurred in this mode of production and the new era is often referred to as post-Fordist. This means that nowadays, workers are more likely to be employed on fixed-term contracts, working several part-time jobs rather than one full-time one, and performing more emotional, intellectual, or creative labour. The use of the term burnout emerged together with post-Fordism and it became a very popular buzzword. We often use it to describe any negative feelings we have that are related to work. But what does this term actually mean? How accurately does it describe our lived experiences? How can we regain control over our perspective on health, illness, and work?

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