Movie Night – The Act of Killing (2012)

Sunday July 27th. The act of killing by Joshua Oppenheimer, 2012, 115min. Door opens at 8pm, film begins at 9pm.

Anwar Congo and his friends have been dancing their way through musical numbers, twisting arms in film noir gangster scenes, and galloping across prairies as yodelling cowboys. Their foray into filmmaking is being celebrated in the media and debated on television, because Anwar Congo and his friends are mass murderers.

MEDAN, INDONESIA When the government of Indonesia was overthrown by the military in 1965, Anwar and his friends were promoted from small-time gangsters who sold movie theatre tickets on the black market to death squad leaders. They helped the army kill more than one million alleged communists, ethnic Chinese, and intellectuals in less than a year. As the executioner for the most notorious death squad in his city, Anwar himself killed hundreds of people with his own hands. Today, Anwar is revered as a founding father of a right-wing paramilitary organization that grew out of the death squads. The organization is so powerful that its leaders include government ministers, and they are happy to boast about everything from corruption and election rigging to acts of genocide.

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Joes is open in July and August

Dear people, we have had some problems with the event calendar on Joes website and couldn’t fill in the events for July and August. The calendar is working again and we are adding everything in the next couple of days. In the time being, we publish herewith  just the very rough schedule for July and August. Everything will be as always except that there is no Voku on Thursdays in the summer. Instead some renovations will be done during the free days and you are welcome to participate in Joes . We will keep you updated with concrete tasks that have to/will be done in the following two months.

Joes Summer schedule for July and August (detailed informations about movies and benefits will be added soon. Also check for Joes events and everything else that goes on in the city): […Lees verder]

Movie Night: Com Vandalismo (2013, Brasil) – Benefit Cinema for Rafael Braga

Sunday July 13th 2014 – Com Vandalismo – Benefit Cinema for Rafael Braga, in Portugues with English subtitles. Door opens at 8pm, film begins at 9pm.

Com Vandalismo, Brasil, 2013, 72min, Directed by collective Coletivo Nigeria

This Sundays cinema is not only about screening a movie but also to collect some money for Rafael Braga, 26 years old, who used to live in the streets of Rio de Janeiro but had been arrested last year during the uprising protests against increasing transportation costs, the lack of basic social services and the effects of elitist mega events such as the World Cup. He has been sentenced to 5 years prison in December last year and needs financial support, as he has literally no means of defending himself in the court nor being supported in prison. Logical, skip the final match of this Copa and come to Joes instead. No one is left behind. All donated money will be send to the Cruz Negra Anarquista – ABC Rio de Janeiro.


Rafael Braga was arrested 20th of June 2013 during the protests of 300000 people in Rio de Janeiro [1]. He carried two bottles of cleaning products and a wooden broom when leaving the abandoned shop where he used to live. He says that those tools are being used for his job as car and window cleaner but police took him into custody as they accused him to support protesters with materials for Molotov cocktails [2].

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