Sunday December 9th 2012, Movie night: Standard Operating Procedure (Errol Morris, USA, 2008, 115′). Door open at 20pm (films start at 21:00pm)
A blockbuster of a documentary, Errol Morris’s “Standard Operating Procedure” is an inquiry into the prisoner abuse scandal at Abu Ghraib. It’s an estimable roll call, all the more so when you compare it with the average documentary or even a modest fiction film. The very scale of “Standard Operating Procedure” — evident in its costly-looking production values, special effects and elaborately choreographed re-enactments — suggests that Mr. Morris has grown weary of working in the margins to which documentary filmmakers are still too often relegated. “Standard Operating Procedure” is a big, provocative and — it goes without saying — disturbing work, though what makes it most provocative is that its greatest ambitions are for its own visual style. […Lees verder]