Kritische Studenten Avond waar blijft het protest?

Wednesday October 23rd 2013, Kritische Studenten Evening: Info and discussion on the Quebec Student Strike in 2012, 8pm. [English below]


Het hoger onderwijs in Nederland wordt al jaren gekenmerkt door bezuinigingen. Colleges worden steeds massaler en de universiteit wordt steeds meer een diplomafabriek. Toch is er amper een tegenreactie vanuit studenten. In 2011 waren er nog zo’n 15.000 studenten op de been om te protesteren tegen o.a. de langstudeerboete, maar dit heeft een nieuwe golf van bezuinigingen niet kunnen voorkomen. Met het vooruitzicht op het leenstelsel, afschaffing OV-kaart, Bindend Studie Advies voor elk studiejaar en fusies van onderwijsinstellingen, is er wel degelijk reden genoeg om in verzet te komen. Maar waar blijven we? […Lees verder]

Kritische Studenten Avond

Wednesday October 9th and Wednesday October 23rd 2013, Kritische Studenten Avond, 8pm.

Did you expect a more critical environment in your university? Are you disappointed with the lack of political engagement you’ve found there? Not feeling represented by the lobbyist student council groups? Tired of how education and knowledge are primarily in service of economic interests rather than societal? Are you against an educational system that mostly just reproduces class differences and do you want to fight for free and democratically organized education? Then come and join us in making plans on how to reclaim the university. Every second and fourth Wednesday of the month we have a open meeting where you can get to know like-minded individuals.

Twice a month on Wednesday, from 8pm, the Kritische Studenten Avond. More on the KSA website: http://kritischestudentenamsterdam.nl/

Safer Place Organisers Meeting


Wednesday June 5th 2013, Safer Place Organisers Meeting, 8pm

The plan is to organize a workshop in Joe’s about Safer Spaces. We would like to invite you to get involved in organizing it, preparing it, and thinking about it. So your ideas can be represented when the (first) workshop takes place on the 9th of July. We envision the workshop to a be a skills sharing workshop, where people can share communication skills and conflict management skills. It will also give the collective a chance to start defining what it is a safe place is. There seems to be a general consensus in Joes that we want a space where people can address power imbalance , personal boundaries, class, sexism, racism, abuse, homophobia, historical exploitation such as colonization and it’s legacy, and misunderstanding when that arises in a safe way. Part of that is establishing safe boundaries and a space for discourse and action by setting guidelines and establishing some consensus on acceptable preventative action and intervention. […Lees verder]