Movie Night: Underground

Sunday February 10th 2013, Movie night: Underground (by Emile de Antonio, with Kathy Boudin, Bernardine Dohrn, Bill Ayers, Jeff Jones , USA, 1975, Documentary, 85 min). Door open at 20pm, film begins at 21:00.

The Weather Underground Organization (WUO), commonly known as the Weather Underground, the Weatherman, was an American radical left organization in the 70’s. Using much footage from the time mixed with the interview of people of the Weather Underground, the film constructs a complex narrative of the militant organization. The Weathermen are connecting the issues of that time (and still topics today) with their struggle. They talk about the initial disconnection and later solidarity with Black Panther movement, racism and whiteness, anti-militarism, sexism and feminism, the question of militant means, in the revolutionary context as perceived in that time. They reveal their internal issues, conflicts and contradictions. They talk about their perspectives of an armed revolution and as underground city guerilla group. […Lees verder]

“Gender Revolution” Workshop

Fri./Vri. February 8th 2013: Workshop, gender revolution! 18:00 pm.

Female or Male? Which box do you fit in? Or maybe the female/ male gender binary doesn’t suit you? What are its advantages? What are its limitations? How can we adjust the gender binary to make it more inclusive? Is the eradication of gender binary the way to go? What shall we replace it with? More genders? No genders at all? Let’s revolutionize the gender system! But how?

Let’s explore and discuss these questions in the safe and creative space of the workshop. It will consist in a series of games and discussions and the final product will be a series of statements about whether a gender revolution is needed and how that can happen.

The ideal number of participants is no more than 10. The workshop is open to anyone interested and it is, of course, for free. The learning process goes both ways, so the participants and I will explore and learn together, from each other.

The workshop takes place in Joe’s Garage, on Friday, 8th of Feb, between 18 and 20:30. If you intend on attending the workshop, drop me a line by email.

If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact me at joeworkshops [at] squat [dot] net.

This event is part of a workshop series about gender and sexuality called “It’s more than what’s in your pants.” Each month, Joe’s will host a workshop on a different theme.


Benefiet Steungroep Vrouwen Zonder Verblijfsvergunning

Th./Do. February 7th 2013: Volkseten Vegazulu, Benefiet Steungroep Vrouwen Zonder Verblijfsvergunning, 19:00 pm.

De huidige wetgeving maakt het voor vrouwen zonder papieren steeds moeilijker om hun recht te halen. Vrouwen die in aanmerking komen voor een verblijfsvergunning wordt het door de torenhoge legeskosten onmogelijk gemaakt om een procedure te beginnen, omdat zij immers door hun status als ‘illegaal’ niet in de positie verkeren om een inkomen te verwerven. Hierdoor blijven zij toegewezen op een onzichtbaar, kansarm bestaan in de Nederlandse samenleving.
Stop deze machtsbarrière en deel de maaltijd uit loyaliteit, waarbij de opbrengst zal gaan naar het mogelijk maken van een eerlijke procedure voor een vrouw in deze positie.
Hopelijk tot dan!
Steungroep Vrouwen Zonder Verblijfsvergunning […Lees verder]

Movie Night: Iron Sky

Sunday February 3rd 2013, Movie night: Iron Sky (Timo Vuorensola, Finland, Germany, Australia, 2012, 93′). Door open at 20pm, film begins at 21:00.

In the last moments of World War II, a secret Nazi space program evaded destruction by fleeing to the Dark Side of the Moon. During 70 years of utter secrecy, the Nazis construct a gigantic space fortress with a massive armada of flying saucers. When American astronaut James Washington puts down his Lunar Lander a bit too close to the secret Nazi base, the Moon Führer decides the glorious moment of retaking the Earth has arrived sooner than expected…

Film night at Joe’s Garage, warm and cozy cinema! Doors open at 20:00, film begins at 21:00, free entrance. You want to play a movie, let us know: joe [at] squat [dot] net