Kritische Studenten Avond / Critical Students Evening

Wednesday December 11th 2013, Kritische Studenten Avond / Critical Students Evening, 8pm

Did you expect a more critical environment in your university? Are you disappointed with the lack of political engagement you’ve found there? Not feeling represented by the lobbyist student council groups? Tired of how education and knowledge are primarily in service of economic interests rather than societal? Are you against an educational system that mostly just reproduces class differences and do you want to fight for free and democratically organized education? Then come and join us in making plans on how to reclaim the university. Every second and fourth Wednesday of the month we have a open meeting where you can get to know like-minded individuals.

Indigenous Movement on the move!

Monday December 9th 2013, Indigenous Movement on the move! Benefit, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm

Screenings and info about all the projects and what is planned for next year. Solidarity between the indigenous people who live in the Netherlands to indigenous peoples all over the world! Stop land grabbing, stop gold mining, stop Monsanto, stop the colonisation of indigenous lands! Indigenous rights!
The Indigenous Movement is an organization that focuses on raising awareness about indigenous rights through various initiatives. Through different means, we intend to inform and highlight about the richness of endangered cultures and revive the collective spirit to protect and defend them.
Indigenous Movement: […Lees verder]

Anti-Gold mining info evening: An attempt to build a strategy platform


Sunday December 8th 2013, ReINFORM invites you to an info evening about anti-gold mining struggles. Door opens at 17:30 with a collective kitchen.

Following our last action on November 9th for Skouries international day, we are extending our scope to build a network on mutual struggles taking place all over the world. El Dorado Gold Co. is involved in mining activities in Greece, Romania, Turkey, China, Brazil and Canada among others.

The evening will include:

  • screenings of short documentaries and presentation of the case of Skouries providing an insight of the related economic, environmental and social outrage
  • live streaming via Skype with people from Skouries [Greece], Rosia Montana [Romania] and solidarity groups who are going to provide a closer look into their struggles
  • presentation from SOMO; an independent, non-profit research and networking organization that investigates multinational corporations and the consequences of their activities for people and the environment around the world […Lees verder]

Hambacher Forest Benefit


Monday December 2nd 2013, Hambacher Forest Benefit, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

New supplies are needed on the front line! “Today, Thursday 19th November 2013, RWE and po­li­ce made again an un­wan­ted visit at the fo­rest occupation of the Ham­ba­cher Forest. At about 1pm a con­voy of a dig­ger, a har­vester and in­f­an­try and paid mer­ce­na­ries crus­hed through the fo­rest. For three hours they were de­s­troy­ing ever­y­thing which was in their range and even stole a woo­den box with food, water ca­nis­ters, shoes and fur­ther per­so­nal be­lon­gings… […Lees verder]

Movie Night: Gomorrah (2008)


Sunday December 1st 2013, Movie night, Gomorrah (Roberto Saviano, 2008). Door opens at 20:00, film begins at 21:00

Gomorrah is based on a non-fiction novel published in 2006 by now infamous Italian journalist Roberto Saviano. The film, remaining true to the book, depicts the way Neapolitan organized crime reaches into every facet of social life in the region, from families to government, due to its ironclad grip on lucrative licit and illicit commercial activities, both locally and globally. Matteo Garrone’s neorealist depiction veritably injects the viewer into the narratives of the characters that seek to navigate their way through this society: from young teenage boys trying to make it as mafia bosses by emulating Scarface, to an illegal tailor skirting the wrath of his Camorra superiors, to a semi-legitimate entrepreneur who offers illegal waste-removal services…and more. […Lees verder]