Hands off the trees! Call for action in the Hambacher Forest

hambach_rodung_1Monday October 5th 2015, Hands off the trees! Call for action in the Hambacher Forest. Infonight and benefit, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm

In October the “hot season” starts again for the occupation in the Hambacher Forest. The Hambacher Forest is one of the oldest forest in middle Europe, but already more than 4/5 of it is destroyed for open cast mining. The forest gets destroyed year by year, so that RWE the coal company can open cast the land. In order to excavate coal, the energy company RWE clears the originally more than 4500 hectares big and 12000 years old forest, damages agricultural land and relocates villages. Some of the effects of the excavation of coal are the destruction of living space for plants, animals and humans, air and fine dust pollution, release of radioactive substances and the lowering of ground water. The coal excavation in the Rhine area is responsible for 13% of the CO2 emissions in whole Germany.

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchen, every monday and thursday, 7pm, vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation.

We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. Enjoying it is a must. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, send an email to joe [at] squat [dot] net and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.

Hands off the trees! Call for action in the Hambacher Forest

Thursday September 11th 2014: Hands off the trees! Call for action in the Hambacher Forest, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm. With the screening of the Hambacher Forest movie (german with english subtitles) that was finished in 2014.

Time for Ac­tion! ​Cut­ting se­a­son starts in oc­to­ber! We won‘t just stand and watch! Every au­tumn the fo­rest pre­pa­res for the slee­py win­ter­ti­me. The lea­ves fall off the trees, the squir­rels hide the last nuts and the ac­tivists in­so­la­te their tree hou­ses. Every being is look­ing for­ward to a cold but quiet and peace­ful time. But with the be­gin­ning of oc­to­ber, the ma­chi­nes in­tru­de the Ham­bach Fo­rest again. Hu­mans and so-​cal­led “Har­vester” (big ma­chi­nes for cut­ting trees) will not grant any rest to the fo­rest and for­ward the cut­ting bar­ri­er for ano­ther 200m towards the camp, to kill more of the al­re­a­dy woun­ded Ham­bach Fo­rest. But if they won‘t let the fo­rest sleep, we don‘t want to rest eit­her.

There’s in­nu­me­ra­ble pos­si­bi­li­ties to in­ter­fe­re, let it be by di­rect ac­tion, con­fu­si­on or the ex­pan­si­on of the oc­cupa­ti­on.
So for all those, who don‘t have the time or en­er­gy to spend a long time in the fo­rest, there is en­ough ways to sup­port the strugg­le: Get your af­fi­ni­ty group (peop­le you trust), sit to­ge­ther, be crea­ti­ve and think of an ac­tion you would like to do in the fo­rest – on the ac­tion weekends, but also on any other day.
If you want to come on your own, you can join in on the big­ger month­ly ac­tion days or come whe­ne­ver you want and sup­port us in ma­king a dif­fe­rence! […Lees verder]

Hambacher Forest Benefit


Monday December 2nd 2013, Hambacher Forest Benefit, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

New supplies are needed on the front line! “Today, Thursday 19th November 2013, RWE and po­li­ce made again an un­wan­ted visit at the fo­rest occupation of the Ham­ba­cher Forest. At about 1pm a con­voy of a dig­ger, a har­vester and in­f­an­try and paid mer­ce­na­ries crus­hed through the fo­rest. For three hours they were de­s­troy­ing ever­y­thing which was in their range and even stole a woo­den box with food, water ca­nis­ters, shoes and fur­ther per­so­nal be­lon­gings… […Lees verder]

Hambacher Forest Benefit

Thursday October 17th 2013, Hambacher Forest Benefit, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

RESPECT EXISTENCE OR EXPECT RESISTANCE! In order to excavate coal, the energy company RWE clears near Cologne the originally more than 4500 hectares big and 12000 years old Hambacher forest, damages agricultural land and evicts villages. Some Effects of the excavation of coal are: air and fine dust pollution, release of radioactive substances, the lowering of ground water, emissions of CO2 (1t cole = 1t CO2). We occupied the forest to resist and counteract the expansion of the open-cast pit!
[…Lees verder]

Presentation about the occupation of the Hambacher forest and call for mobilization!

Thursday September 19th 2013, Presentation about the occupation of the Hambacher Forest and call for mobilization! The same evening at Joe’s Garage, Cardiff Squatters Network Infonight. With the Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

The Hambacher forest close to Cologne in Germany is now again occupied since a few weeks, wherefore the resistance movement against the clearing of the forest goes on. The new squatted area is now threatened by eviction, so that support in occupying the forest, infrastructural matters (e.g. cooking), presswork, etc. is needed. Furthermore the Hambacher forest represents a nice place to connect political activism with spending a good time with nice people!

In order to excavate coal, the energy company RWE clears the originally more than 4500 hectars big and 12000 years old forest, damages agricultural land and relocates villages Some of the effects of the excavation of coal are the destruction of living space for plants, animals and humans, air and fine dust pollution, release of radioactive substances and the lowering of ground water. The coal excavation in the rhine area is responsible for 13% of the CO2 emissions in whole Germany.

More informations: http://hambachforest.blogsport.de/ […Lees verder]