Cinema Italia: Perfect Strangers (Paolo Genovese, 2016)

Sunday 4 june 2023, Perfect Strangers [Perfetti sconosciuti] * Directed by Paolo Genovese * 96 min * In Italian with English subtitles * doors open at 20:30, film starts at 21:00. After the film, please engage and share comments, ideas, and inspiration with the host(s) of the evening!
Before the film * Selection of trailers of the 24 remakes made all over the world

We all have our secrets. The problem is, we keep them inside our smartphones. What happens if, during a dinner among friends, we let everybody listen to calls, read our messages, and so on?

Perfect Strangers is the film that has more remakes than any other in the entire history of cinema: from Spain (Perfectos desconocidos) to Greece (Τέλειοι ξένοι), from China, India until, recently, to Iceland (Villibráð). Why? Because it tells a truly universal story of our times: how our most intimate aspects of our lives changed forever because of the pervasiveness of smartphones in all aspects of our lives, including Romantic relationships, marriages (they may coincide or not), and — of course — sexual desires.

Beware: if you are in a happy, stable, relationship, you may want NOT to watch this!

Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Free entrance. You want to screen a movie, let us know: joe [at] lists [dot] squat [dot] net

Aman molli concert with Primi Secondi

Friday June 2nd 2023, Aman molli concert with Primi Secondi. The doors will open at 8pm, and music will start at 9 pm. Donations welcome.

Primi Secondi are an ensemble of immigrants and students located in South Holland. Inspired by the evident similarities of Rotterdam with the maritime and multicultural background of early 20th century Piraeus, they attempt a strictly amateur interpretation of inter-war Rebetiko and post-war Greek Folk compositions.

Οι Πρίμοι Σεγόντοι είναι ενα ανσάμπλ οικονομικών μεταναστών και φοιτητών στη νότια Ολλανδία. Αντλώντας έμπνευση από τις εμφανείς ομοιότητες του Ρότερνταμ με το λιμανιώτικο και κοσμοπολίτικο χαρακτήρα του Πειραιά στις αρχές του 20ου αιώνα, επιχειρούν μια αυστηρώς ερασιτεχνική απόδοση προπολεμικών ρεμπέτικων και μεταπολεμικών λαϊκών συνθέσεων.

Orestis Strymponis: vocals
Chris Toitos: bouzouki
Kostas Patsis: bouzouki, vocals
George Germanos: guitar
Vangelis Christantonis: baglamas, vocals

Aman Molli is an open collective workshop for modal music, broadly defined as music following melodic pathways that are outside the two standardized Western scales and associated harmonies. Instruments and Music Styles Any kind of acoustic instrument (Strings, percussions, wind, voice). Many of the instruments used today (guitars, bouzoukia etc.) have even-tempered tuning so the maqams/dromoi are not the traditional Arabic/Turkish/Persian microtonal versions but the westernized adaptations. One of the objectives is to explore the differences. In the same spirit, we add harmonic structure (in guitars or mpaglama chords etc) where possible.On the rhythm side we explore the various characteristics rhythms of these regions/musical tradition (9/8 etc.).

Benefit voku for Jorge Esquivel, punk prisoner in Mexico

Thursday 1st june 2023, Benefit voku for Jorge Esquivel, punk prisoner in Mexico. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

Call for solidarity with Jorge Esquivel, punk prisoner in Mexico

Jorge “Yorch” Esquivel is a beloved compañero of the punk community, and a long-time participant of the Okupa Che Guevara. He was arrested on December 8, 2022 by plainclothes police as he was leaving the campus of the Ciudad Universitaria (of the UNAM university) in Mexico City as part of a campaign of criminalization against the Okupa.


On February 24, 2016, an operative was carried out in which plainclothes policemen arbitrarily detained him, “planting” drugs on him in order to fabricate crimes against him. The whole case was plagued with irregularities. He was transferred to Oaxaca and then to a maximum security prison in Hermosillo. The authorities used this strategy under the supposition that the distance would hinder his legal defense, but even so, thanks to the solidarity and legal work, he was reclassified from the crime of drug dealing to simple possession of narcotics, so he was released on bail in March 2016.

Jorge decided not to continue with the legal process due to the fabricated charges case against him and the climate of repression towards the Okupa. In the meantime, the frame-up continued to be put together. Constant threats and journalistic reports did not cease; the press even took him for dead and accused him of participating in organized crime.

On December 9, 2022 he was arrested in exactly the same place – a few steps outside Ciudad Universitaria, where the Okupa is located and again by plainclothes police – with the grounds for this illegal detention being that the Attorney General’s Office appealed the decision to reclassify the crime.

The compañero’s health is fragile due to an extended hospitalization a couple years back and more recent bouts with different illnesses.


Jorge is currently incarcerated in the Reclusorio Oriente prison in Mexico City, where he was recently transferred from the observation and classification area to the general prison population area. For nearly three months he was unable to receive visits other than from his lawyers, but he had his first authorized visit on March 5.

The legal process is in the evidence stage. The Attorney General’s evidence includes the testimony of the police officers who detained Jorge; one of them is deceased and the other has not been located. Due to this, the hearing scheduled for February 17, 2023 did not take place and a date was set for April 14.

On behalf of the legal team that has been working in solidarity to defend Jorge, two expert reports will be presented by an external expert (called a perito in Mexico), one in dactyloscopy to prove that the packages of narcotics were never touched by Jorge, and another one in criminalistics. These expert reports will be presented once the hearing is held on April

Thanks to the solidarity of individuals, collectives and networks, it has been possible to cover Jorge’s expenses inside the prison, which have been very high due to the blatant corruption that reigns in Mexican prisons run by mafia groups that charge prisoners for everything from use of the bathroom to water, electricity, even the cell they are held in. So in addition to Jorge’s costs in prison and other legal fees related to the case, we call upon the solidarity of our friends and compañerxs around the world to help us in supporting our compañero Yorch.

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchens existing since the very beginning of Joe’s Garage, June 2005. Your donations are welcome. Food is vegan, no reservation. All benefits go to social & political struggles. Joe’s Garage is a space run by volunteers. Without a collective effort, without your active participation, we’re remaining closed. Get in touch in you feel like giving a hand. We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. If you want to know which days are still available, mail us.

June 2023 at Joe’s Garage