By: börek - December 1st, 2016 Filed under: Filmavond
Sunday December 18th 2016, Movie night: Revolution with bare hands. The trajectory of a people. Burkina Faso. (2015) by Moussa Ouédraogo & Hans-Georg Eberl (70 min., english subtitles). Door opens at 20:00. Film starts at 21:00. Free admission.
“Revolution with bare hands. The trajectory of a people. Burkina Faso” is a filmic document of remembrance of the popular insurrection in Burkina Faso on 30th and 31st of October 2014 against the dictatorial regime of Blaise Compaoré. The film approaches protagonists of the revolution and visits emblematic symbolic places. It asks about reasons and motivations based in the living conditions of the population as well as in memories of foregone struggles during previous decades. Org.: All Included […Lees verder]
Sunday November 8th 2015, All Included film night. Documentary: Revolution with Bare Hands. The Trajectory of a People. The Burkina Faso. Film in French with German subtitles. 2015, 90 minutes, premiere in the Netherlands. Film director Moussa Ouédraogo from Ouagadougou got his visa refused to come to Europe. Co-director Hans-Georg Eberl from Austria will be present for a Q&A. Door opens at 8pm, event starts at 9pm.
Thursday November 12th, benefit for All Included. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.
[english below]
De documentaire „Revolution à mains nus. Le trajectoire d’un peuple. Le Burkina Faso“ gaat over de Burkinese volksoproer van 30 en 31 oktober 2014 onder aanvoering van de Balai Citoyen (de volksbezem) van reggae muzikant Smockey en rapper Sams’K Le Jah. Deze mondde uit in de val van het dictatoriaal regime van Blaise Compaoré, president sinds 30 jaar, en in de mislukking van de militaire coup van generaal Diendere september jongsleden.
We zien de vrouwen, mannen en jongeren die betrokken waren in het verzet en die besloten geen wapens maar creatieve geweldloze acties te voeren. Ze spreken ook over hun hoop en verwachtingen voor een toekomstige samenleving. Hun visie worden aangevuld met de percepties van de Burkinese diaspora en kunstenaars die zoeken naar een universele vorm van expressie om emancipatie te bevorderen.
De film zoekt naar de achtergronden van het verzet, waaronder de levensomstandigheden en de herinneringen van strijd in het recente verleden. Jongeren, mannen, vrouwen zonder wapens zijn opgestaan tegen een dictatoriaal en gemilitariseerd regime. Gister werd generaal Diendere die twee weken geleden de macht greep in Burkina Faso opgepakt in de hoofdstad Ouagadougou.
Filmregisseur Moussa Ouédraogo uit Ouagadougou is een visum geweigerd om de premiere van de documentaire te presenteren. Mede-regisseur Hans-Georg Eberl uit Oostenrijk zal op de premiere aanwezig zijn voor Q&A met publiek.
All-in is afhankelijk van particuliere donaties. Steun het verzet in West-Afrika! bankrek. 4864527 tnv All Included Amsterdam IBAN NL94 INGB 0004 8645 27
This is an invitation for the premiere of the documentary “Revolution with Bare Hands” about the resistance of the Burkinian people at the 30th and 31st October 2014 in Burkina Faso which has let to the demise of the dictatorial regime of Blaise Compaoré, who had been in power for almost 30 years and had participated in the assault of president Thomas Sankara.
We hear the voices of the women, men, youth who were involved in the upraising and who have decided not to use weapons but to resist against the dictatorial and militarist regime using creative non-violent actions.
They also talk about their hopes and expectations for a future society. Their views are supplemented with the perceptions of the Burkinian diaspora in Austria and artists who search for a universally understandable forms of expression to foster emancipation.
All Included Amsterdam is a new initiative that fights for freedom of movement and for the right of residence for migrants. In a time when globalization is a fact, migration should be recognized as part of a package deal. It’s All Included. This means: no illegality, no detention for undocumented migrants and no forced evictions.
With the disappearance of national borders, national identity disappears. Everyone becomes global citizen and deserves regardless of origin equal rights and equal opportunities. Therefore also for migrants ‘all included’ rights and obligations. fightsg for an open society through extra-parliamentary action which intervenes in the political climate of assimilation, closeness and fear. Through direct assistance to rejected asylum seekers and other migrants without residence permit, indictments against abuses of current polities are being propagated. We want to contribute to the public debate with alternative visions of migration and globalization based on open borders, solidarity and initiative from the base.
Cooks, cooking groups wanted any monday and thursday in April. Mail us, come along to sign up.
Joe’s Garage 20th anniversary. Get your 2025 calendar, all proceeds go to squats and social centers across Europe.
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Opening times (January 2025):
Monday: 19:00, Volkseten Vegazulu
Tuesday: 19-20:30, Kraakspreekuur Oost
Wednesday: 19:00, Proxy Cafe*
Thursday: 19:00, Volkseten Vegazulu
Friday: 20:00, Aman molli
Saturday: 14-18, Give Away Shop
Sunday: 18-20, Radical Sunday School
Sunday: 20:30, Movie night
(*) not weekly
Every 2nd Saturday of the month, 19:00-20:30, Joe’s Garage open assembly
Every 2nd Sunday of the month, 14:00-18:00, All Crafts Are Beautiful
One Wednesday/month, 19:00, Proxy Cafe
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