Voku by Neuroqueer Group Amsterdam

Monday July 1st, 2024, Voku by Neuroqueer Group Amsterdam. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

Monday 1st of July the new Neuroqueer group will host their second VOKU at Joes Garage. Food is vegan as always. There will be a dinner table for people who want to talk about getting involved in the new Neuroqueer group together, but everyone is welcome to join for dinner of course! Besides neuroqueers we also welcome other crips specifically to join us for dinner. Bring cash, see you there from 19:00 on. Want to contact us about the new group? Have accessibility requests/questions? Email us at neuroqueergroupamsterdam [at] disroot [dot] org
NeuroQueer Group Amsterdam https://radar.squat.net/en/amsterdam/neuroqueer-group-amsterdam

Accessibility: The space is on the groundfloor and has an inside room plus a garden. People smoke in the garden but not inside. Even though there is a ramp it’s hardly wheelchair accessible (the toilet and garden are not accessible with a wheelchair and the ramp is very steep). There is a couch inside, there are different types of chairs and pillows to sit on available. It can get quite busy at the VOKU, there might be music on but this can be turned down/off on request if it is overstimulating or because of other reasons. […Lees verder]

Voku for Neuroqueer Group Amsterdam

Thursday 23 May 2024, Voku for Neuroqueer Group Amsterdam. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

Hi! we are a starting collective of neuroqueer people wanting to explore how therapy could be done in a collective, anti-authoritarian way. We think there are a lot of problems with the psychiatric system and want to explore ways that we can help each other outside of it. Right now were looking for more people also interested in this topic to join us and organise stuff together, so if this sparks your interest please come have a plate of food and have a chat with us!
Btw if you’re not familiar with the term neuroqueer, here is a link to an article about the term, not by us but it’s pretty nice. […Lees verder]