Queeristan Benefit

Thursday April 11th 2013: Volkseten Vegazulu, Queeristan Benefit, 19:00 pm.

Queeristan is an autonomous festival in Amsterdam for the exploration of radical queer politics in the form of workshops, performances, art, fun and anything in between or inside-out. Queeristan is not only a space that dodges logics of profit and commercialisation, but also a platform to both explore issues of solidarity in times of change, and talk about privilege, power, and sex. This year the festival will be from May 31st to June 2nd at Op De Valreep and Vrankrijk.
Also, until the 31st of March, we are looking for proposals! Check out the call out: http://queeristan.org/ […Lees verder]

Queeristan Benefiet

Thursday 19th of April, 7pm Queeristan benefiet voku

“What is Queeristan? Certainly not a(nother) country. Behind it there is a nomadic collective of activists based in Amsterdam whose interests do not exactly rhyme with law&order, nor with setting up new borders. Nonetheless Queeristan is all about providing a space. Not only an autonomous space that dodges logics of profit and commercialization, but also a platform to both explore and counter the normative workings of gender and identity. A safe environment for queers and a factory of resistance. Our critique departs from the simple fact that buying “normalcy” in the guise of being either male or female, a Dutch or a foreigner, gay or straight, either one or the other, simply means to bedisciplined by a choice made elsewhere, to be docile towards it, to keep your mouth and your eyes shut.

Although Queeristan strives to bring together all sorts of sexual outlaws, we do not want it to be another gay pride: we are not interested in using the beat of our music to celebrate the “integration”of just some queer lives whose skin color, citizenship, cultural and financial means are played as “assets” within a liberal democracy that trades rights as if it were a stock exchange. Instead Queeristan wants to be a festival where dissent unpredictably materializes and becomes shareable in a performance, in a workshop, but also in a work of art, or in partying all night long. There is no fixed formula for Queeristan. There is a togetherness based on affinity with political projects that focus on the body as the site where social aggregation and exclusion can be concretely addressed. Queeristan discerns the battlefield where a geopolitics of consumerism, migration, human rights is enforced. Queeristan resists.

Amsterdam becomes Queeristan the moment we recompose the space we inhabit to uncover the possibility of troubling our private, individual consumer identity. To start using our bodies and intersect the multiple layers of stories and practices that shape them as they tie them to one another.”

last year’s programme: http://queeristan.org/tag/archive_2011/

Volkseten Vegazulu is every monday and thursday, vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation

Queeristan Benefiet

Thursday 19th of April, 7pm Queeristan benefiet voku

“What is Queeristan? Certainly not a(nother) country. Behind it there is a nomadic collective of activists based in Amsterdam whose interests do not exactly rhyme with law&order, nor with setting up new borders. Nonetheless Queeristan is all about providing a space. Not only an autonomous space that dodges logics of profit and commercialization, but also a platform to both explore and counter the normative workings of gender and identity. A safe environment for queers and a factory of resistance. Our critique departs from the simple fact that buying “normalcy” in the guise of being either male or female, a Dutch or a foreigner, gay or straight, either one or the other, simply means to bedisciplined by a choice made elsewhere, to be docile towards it, to keep your mouth and your eyes shut.

[…Lees verder]

Queeristan Benefit

Do./Th. 09 jun. 2011: Queeristan 2011 benefit voku 19uur, vegan food, no reservations, donations welcome.

Queeristan benefit at Joe's GarageA queer weekend of activism and resistance. Let’s set out to explore issues of solidarity in times of change, talk about privilege, power, and sex, reclaiming our bodies and minds. Join us in creative, critical, and political workshops, artistic endeavors, and a queertastic party. Come with all your inspirations and criticisms to turn this weekend into an inspiring journey of queer politics!

On June 17 – 19, 2011 we welcome you to the beautiful building of Schijnheilig, a nomadic collective in Amsterdam to join in on a queer venture of creative activism and critical debates.

It is time to rework those political, affective, bodily, creative and social maps. Together we will explore and celebrate bodies, we’ll engage in conversations and workshops that work towards re-claiming our bodies and minds, and we’ll enjoy great food, films, and queer love. Although we did set up a loose-framework for the workshops, just to get us going, we need all you lovely queers to give shape to this weekend. The program isn’t finished without you. Come with all your inspirations and criticisms to turn this weekend into an inspiring journey of queer politics.

The days will begin with a public meeting to introduce the different workshops and give space for ideas, questions, and critiques. Thus, all workshops will have an open structure and we invite everyone to actively participate. After the introduction, we will split up into smaller working groups. The decision to split into smaller workshops was made because there is so much to do and little space or time to do it. After both morning and afternoon workshop sessions we will gather again to share our experiences and ideas as a larger group.
The program is not finalized yet, but we can tell you some of the themes: sex/sexwork/positive porn, anti-racism, transactivism, speakers from Zami group, public action, clowning, rhythms, solidarity, Palestinian queers and the Boycott Divestment and Sanction campaign and of course a Queertastic party.

Are you as fed up with xenophobia, commercialisation, racism, homonormativity, transphobia, sexism and oppression? Do you want a platform to express yourself, engage in critical debates, and meet other queers? We want you! Let’s do that QUEER R.E.S.P.E.C.T!
