Info night Squatting in the UK after the ban

20150622_infonight_Squatting_in_UK_after_the_banMonday June 22nd 22015, Info night Squatting in the UK after the ban. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm, then info night with a speaker from London.

In 2012 the UK government enacted a law to criminalise squatting in residential buildings despite 95% of responses to its ‘consultation’ opposing any further legislation. The squatting scene has died in almost all cities in England and Wales apart from London, where the movement has only a fraction of the numbers it used to. Squatters are now forced to live in non residential buildings which are often unfit for human habitation. The number of people sleeping rough has increased as London is undergoing a phase of transformation, with inner London becoming unaffordable for lower income people. As property prices rise, there are less empty properties to squat in and owners are able to hire private firms to carry out very fast and often violent evictions. The aim of this talk is to describe the legal situation and challenges to it, and how this has changed the squatting movement into something smaller but much more political and radical. […Lees verder]

Benefit voku and infonight flashback about squatting around 2005 and liquidated landlords

Monday November 3rd 2014, Benefit voku and infonight flashback about squatting around 2005 and liquidated landlords, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm

Afgelopen 24 september kwam de gerechtsdeurwaarder langs bij inmiddels hoogbejaarde gepensioneerde leden van de kraakbeweging. De staat wilde graag geld vangen van een kostenveroordeling van een rechtzaak uit maart 2006. Alsjemenou! Wat ging er acht en half jaar geleden mis?

flashback: Onderstaande bericht lenen wij van Indymedia alwaar dit werd gepost onder het door ons gepubliceerde persbericht over het kraken van criminele panden. De bewoners van de Van Ostadestraat 137 weten hierover mee te praten:

Kraken van Kriminelen: Van Ostadestraat 137, door de bewoners Van Ostadestraat 137, (Januari 2006) […Lees verder]

“English week” – info evening on squatting in London

[nl] [English below]
Het Joe’s collectief heeft wat met Engeland. Sommigen komen er vandaan, anderen gaan er binnenkort heen verhuizen, vaak hebben we logees van over het kanaal, kortom, tijd om dat eens goed in de verf te zetten.

[…Lees verder]