Voku benefit Woningsdag w/ live music: Lyngfarer and Ancient Hostility (anarcho folk)

Monday July 22, 2024, Voku benefit Woningsdag w/ live music: Lyngfarer and Ancient Hostility (anarcho folk). Food served from 7pm, no reservation. Music from 8pm.

The benefit money will go to the costs of Woningsdag, every year while the country celebrates Koningsdag we celebrate Woningsdag because the urgency to get everyone housing is more important than Monarchy. Last Woningsdag, on April 27, 2024, a building got squatted in the city center (Gravenstraat 26-28). We still have some unpaid costs and that’s why we have a benefit.

There will be live music performance as well with Lyngfarer and Ancient Hostility, the anarcho folk night from Joe’s this summer:
Lyngfarer https://lyngfarer.bandcamp.com/
“Lyngfarer is the quiet and pensive stuff that Magnus Nymo from Norway writes. It lives in the fog between medieval lore and anarchist dbeat classics but is quiet enough to be a lullaby. Magnus started performing as Lyngfarer in 2015 and has since then hung out and toured around Europe, Scandinavia, Ireland and the US and UK.”
Ancient Hostility (anarcho folk): “Harmony singing and drones from members of All In Vain and Dawn Ray’d, singing songs about heartbreak and resistance.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g27Bhsxzrvc […Lees verder]

De Drie Duyfjes benefit voku

Monday 15 july 2024, De Drie Duyfjes benefit voku. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

This evening we are raising funds to pay for our legal defense. Come to support!
Gravenstraat 26-28 had been rotting away for a decade. There was a first attempt to squat the houses on September 12, 2021, during the Woonprotest. 61 people were arrested and police brutality followed this squatting action.
On April 27, 2024, on Housing Day (Woningsdag), Gravenstraat 26-28 is successfully squatted. Within a few days, the front gets some fresh paint and the house is named De Drie Duyfjes. Life is back in the house. Come support your local squatters!

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Voku for De Drie Duyfjes

Monday 3 June 2024, Voku for De Drie Duyfjes. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

Gravenstraat 26-28 had been rotting away for a decade. There was a first attempt to squat the houses on September 12, 2021, during the Woonprotest. 61 people were arrested and police brutality followed this squatting action.
On April 27, 2024, on Housing Day (Woningsdag), Gravenstraat 26-28 is successfully squatted. Within a few days, the front gets some fresh paint and the house is named De Drie Duyfjes. Life is back in the house. Come support your local squatters!

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Radical Sunday School: Fighting housing injustice with the BPW

Sunday 26 May 2024, Radical Sunday School: Fighting housing injustice with the BPW. From 17:30 till 20:00.Join Our Workshop on Fighting Housing Injustice!

Are you concerned about housing insecurity and want to make a difference? Join our workshop on the Bond Precaire Woonvormen (BPW), the Union Against Precarious Housing. BPW stands up for the rights of those living in temporary, precarious, or overpriced housing, helping tenants claim their right to secure and affordable homes.

In this session, you’ll learn how BPW organizes residents into solidarity networks, offering moral, legal, and organizational support. Discover how they mobilize national networks of committed tenants, volunteers, and action groups to fight for housing rights. As a self-help organization, BPW empowers tenants to take action, fostering a sustainable movement for housing security.

We’ll explore real-life examples of how BPW has successfully drawn public and political attention to the issues faced by precarious tenants, through articles, demonstrations, and direct action. Whether you’re directly affected or want to support the cause, this workshop provides practical insights and steps to join the fight for housing justice.

Join us and be part of a growing movement dedicated to ensuring housing security for all. Together, we can make a difference!
Bond Precaire Woonvormen (BPW) https://bondprecairewoonvormen.nl
BPW Amsterdam https://radar.squat.net/en/amsterdam/bpw-amsterdam
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Presentation and discussion on the book Casa Encantada, portrait of the struggle for housing in Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Saturday 11 May 2024, 20:00, presentation and discussion on the book Casa Encantada, portrait of the struggle for housing in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

The book “Casa Encantada (Enchanted House) – Portrait of the struggle for housing in Belo Horizonte during the pandemic” presents illustrations, photographs, and interviews with squatters from Belo Horizonte in 2022 and 2023. Two Brazilian organizers and squatters document nearly 20 abandoned houses in the center of the state of Minas Gerais that have been transformed into social and cultural spaces for people who were homeless and particularly vulnerable during the pandemic.

During the discussion, the comrades from the Kasa Invisível squat will delve into the contexts of the squatting movement and the struggle for land and living spaces in Belo Horizonte. The city is home to at least 100,000 people living in squatted buildings, houses, or territories and hosts one of the largest land conflicts in Latin America. The discussion aims to foster international connections and solidarity.

To support the campaign on Fire Fund: https://www.firefund.net/casaencantada
Kasa Invisível https://kasainvisivel.org/

Benefit voku for propaganda

Monday 25 March 2024, Benefit voku for propaganda. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

This week we are raising money to print posters and stickers focused on squatting, against gentrification and against Desokupa, a Spanish private company that evicts squatters. […Lees verder]

Welcome Home: a book conversation with Clarrie Pope

Friday 8th March 2024: Welcome Home, a book conversation with Clarrie Pope, event organized by Supernormal, queer feminist collective that hosts literary events around Amsterdam. Door opens at 19:00.

Squatting, gentrification, care work, living with activists, Rihanna, Trotskyite dogs, capitalist cats, being in love with your hot and (mostly) unavailable flatmate – WELCOME HOME, a graphic novel by sisters Clarrie and Blanche Pope, weaves all these topics (and, if you can believe it, more) into an impactful yet humorous narrative about housing struggles in London.
We’ll be talking to Clarrie about making the book, the experiences behind it and how those experiences relate (or not) to the Amsterdam squatting scene. So: whether greenwashing developers make you incandescent with rage or you simply have some strong feelings about cats/dogs/the music video for Te Amo to work through, come join us for the discussion!
There’ll be books on sale afterwards. Clarrie will sign yours for you, if you like!
Bonus: afterwards there’ll be (vegan) cake AND music inspired by two important characters in the book (Rihanna and Gianna Nannini) curated by DJ Jenny Woolworth <3

Supernormal, queer feminist collective https://supernormalbooks.nl/
Welcome Home, Clarrie Pope https://www.clarriepope.com

Film screening: Une île et une nuit (An Island and One Night)

Sunday 3rd March 2024, Film screening: Une île et une nuit (An Island and One Night) * 2021-2023 * 100 min * multi-lingual (11 languages) * no subs * Free or pay what you can * doors open at 20:00, film starts at 20:30.

Around a campfire travelers, vagabonds and pirates tell their stories, share their dreams and adventures. From language to language and story to story they tell their tales of how they reached this imaginary island which could be a reality. The island comes under threat from the forces of development, capitalism, technology and gentrification.
A film made organically, collectively and non hierarchically by the inhabitants and users of a community called Le Quartier Libre des Lentillères, located in Dijon, France facing eviction and development as well struggling against all borders.
The Quartier Libre des Lentillères was born out of a demonstration in 2010, in Dijon, at the end of which a hundred people cleared and then cultivated quality land left abandoned and threatened by a real estate project. From there was born the Pot’Col’Le, an open and collective gardening dynamic based on the exchange of knowledge. The Jardin des Maraichères, managed on a self-employed basis, supplies weekly non-profit markets at free prices. At the crossroads of these two large plots, dozens of small allotment gardens are intermingled. In the midst of all this, busy farms, a dynamic of building huts and maintaining places open to all for walks, for workshops for the exchange of diverse knowledge, concerts or atypical parties. From all this is born a colorful neighborhood, mixed collectives fed by several hundred people.
However, all these dynamics are threatened: the SPLAAD (Société Publique Locale d’Aménagement de l’Agglomération Dijonnaise) and the Grand Dijon want to destroy this creative boiling that produces a neighborhood as we want to live it, outside the established frameworks, to replace it with a real estate project of “eco-neighborhood”: the “ecocity of market gardeners”. The first phase of construction has begun on the industrial plot of land of the former slaughterhouses, but we intend to oppose the work of the second phase of construction which concerns the Quartier libre des Lentillères. We are more determined than ever to fight so that solidarity prevails over business. Join us!

Une île et une nuit https://piratesdeslentilleres.net/
Quartier Libre des Lentillères http://lentilleres.potager.org/

Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Free entrance. You want to screen a movie, let us know: joe [at] lists [dot] squat [dot] net