Benefit for Gato Encerrado Collective in Uruguay. Music with Almudena y Davide

20170220_Benefit_Gato_Encerrado_Collective_UruguayMonday February 20th 2017, Gato Encerrado Benefit. Show with Almudena y Davide. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm. Music from 9pm.

Benefit for Gato Encerrado Collective in Uruguay: Gato Encerrado is a collective house placed in one of the historic neighborhoods of Montevideo. Already for many years it has built itself as a place for exchange and interaction, growth and mutual help between countless amounts of people and collectives. Gato Encerrado means “trapped cat” and the phrase belongs to a popular speech meaning something dubious going on.

Here, in our home, all kinds of activities take place, from DIY health care, anarchist book fairs, concerts, art expositions to preparation meetings for demonstrations. All the activities are completely for free and with no security at the entrance, putting a focus to collective self-regulation in every situation.

It might be for this reason that at home people who sleep in the street meet European students following Masters in Uruguay. And probably for that as well our relationship with the neighborhood – of popular tradition and of resistance of the Afro community- is real, is true and between equals. We are part of our neighborhood and we collaborate each and every time a neighbor wants to connect illegally to electricity or looks for help to squat an empty house.

We have been able to supply space and collaborate with benefits of all sorts, form supporting the anarchist library of Cerro to the alternative documentary festival Globale, through raising money for jailed anarchists in different states, but also for cancer treatments of individuals, community radio stations or several squatted houses.

Music with Almudena y Davide (voice and guitar), revolutionary and popular folk songs from Spain and Latin America. […Lees verder]

Benefiet for political prisoner 1st of May in Montevideo


Thursday June 14th 2012, 19pm Benefiet Voku for political prisoner in Montevideo (Uruguay).
Anarchistische kameraad in de gevangenis voor confrontaties met stakingsbrekers op de eerste mei. Wat de staat bestraft is niet enkel de actie zelf. Wat bestraft wordt is het niet rustig en zwijgzaam blijven, de weigering het hoofd buigen of de andere kant opkijken, het niet passief blijven in deze wereld van uitbuiting.

Tegelijkertijd fungeert het als een lesje voor iedereen die weigert de levensvoorwaarden die de machtigen en de uitbuiters ons hebben opgelegd te aanvaarden. Het fungeert als een lesje voor ons, die pretenderen te breken met deze manier van leven. Wat ze willen is angst creëren. David is een anarchistische kameraad die al meer dan 15 jaar tussen ons strijdt, vanaf het oude anarcho-punk verzet in zijn tienerjaren, tot de gelederen van het Sindicato Unico del Automovil con Taximetros y Telefonistas (SUATT, Enig Syndicaat voor Taxi en Telefoon) en verschillende anarchistische collectieven. […Lees verder]