Movie night: Revenir (David Fedele and Kumut Imesh, 2018)

Thursday July 5, 2018, movie night: Revenir (To Return), a documentary film by David Fedele and Kumut Imesh, 2018, 83 minutes, English subtitles.  Doors open at 19pm with food. Screening and discussion from 20:30. On that screening, David Fedele will be also on-line after the screening to discuss the film with Kumut and the audience. This event one of the four screenings with Kumut Imesh in different locations in Amsterdam from 5 till 8 july.

REVENIR – synopsis (EN): For years, the stories of West African migrants and refugees have been told through the lenses of foreign journalists. Now there is a story from the inside. Part road-trip, part memoir, part journalistic investigation, Revenir follows Kumut Imesh, a refugee from the Ivory Coast now living in France, as he returns to the African continent and attempts to retrace the same journey that he himself took when forced to flee civil war in his country … But this time with a camera in his hand. Traveling alone, Kumut will be documenting his own journey; both as the main protagonist in front of the camera, as well as the person behind it, revealing the human struggle for freedom and dignity on one of the most dangerous migratory routes in the world. A controversial film experiment, a courageous journey and a unique collaboration between filmmaker and refugee; which is not without consequences.

REVENIR – synopsis (NL): Jarenlang werden de verhalen van West-Afrikaanse migranten en vluchtelingen verteld door de ogen van buitenlandse journalisten. Nu is er een verhaal van binnenuit. Gedeeltelijk als road-trip, als memoires en als journalistiek onderzoek volgt Revenir Kumut Imesh, een vluchteling uit de Ivoorkust die nu in Frankrijk woont, terwijl hij terugkeert naar het Afrikaanse continent en probeert dezelfde reis te volgen die hij zelf heeft genomen toen hij moest vluchten door de burgeroorlog in zijn land. Maar deze keer met een camera in zijn hand. Kumut documenteert zijn reis; zowel als de hoofdpersoon voor de camera, als ook de persoon erachter, die de menselijke strijd voor vrijheid en waardigheid onthult op een van de gevaarlijkste migratieroutes ter wereld. Een controversieel filmexperiment, een moedige reis en een unieke samenwerking tussen filmmaker en vluchteling; wat niet zonder gevolgen is.

David Fedele‘s latest film Revenir is a collaboration with Kumut Imesh from the Ivory Coast in West Africa, who now lives in France as a refugee. The film follows Kumut as he returns to the African continent to attempt to retrace and film the same journey that he himself took more than ten years ago, when forced to flee his country to seek asylum… But this time with a camera in his hand.

Kumut Imesh  –  co-director / camera / protagonist : Originally from the Ivory Coast in West Africa, Kumut was forced to flee civil war in his country in 2004. Seeking a peaceful and safe place to live, he began the long journey across the African continent before finally arriving in Morocco, where he spent 7 years. While in Morocco he worked closely with NGOs and associations working closely with other migrants, providing support and assistance.
In 2013 he met the film director David Fedele in Morocco, and he worked as the translator for the film The Land Between. During this time, Kumut developed a very keen interest in documentary film-making, especially the potential to tell stories from an African perspective, and the original idea to make a film retracing his journey across Africa was born.
In 2014 Kumut arrived in Europe, and was granted asylum. He currently lives as a refugee with his wife and small child in France, working as a webmaster. He is also the founder and president of ACSORE (Actions of Solidarity for Refugees), an association in France that works for the social and educational integration of asylum seekers and refugees.
Revenir is Kumut’s first film.

Thursday 5 July 2018
Location: Joe’s Garage, Pretoriusstraat 43, Amsterdam
Joe’s Garage
Doors open at 19pm with food. Screening and discussion from 20:30. On that screening, David Fedele will be also on-line after the screening to discuss the film with Kumut and the audience.

Friday 6 July 2018
Location: Bollox, Eerste Schinkelstraat 14, Amsterdam
Anarchistische Groep Amsterdam Doors open at 19:30pm with food in the Bollox. Screening and discussion from 20:30

Saturday 7 July 2018
Location: Tetterode, Bilderdijkstraat 165, Amsterdam
Migratie Route Tetterode
All Included
Screening and discussion from 16:00

Sunday 8 July
Location: Filmhuis Cavia, Van Hallstraat 52-1, Amsterdam
Filmhuis Cavia
Screening and discussion from 21:00

David Fedele is an independent documentary filmmaker, traveler, wanderer, dreamer, musician, part-time philosopher and full-time incessant thinker. He entered the world of documentary filmmaking through a love of travel and exploring different cultures, having traveled extensively throughout Australasia, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and South America. Generally working alone, self-producing and self-funding his own projects, David is particularly interested in exploring cultural, humanitarian, environmental and social justice issues. His films have covered such diverse topics as sub-Saharan African migration in Morocco, electronic waste in Ghana and illegal logging in Papua New Guinea.
In 2014, David Fedele screened The Land Between in various locations in Amsterdam (op de Valreep was one of them).

David Fedele
Big thanks to All Included