Zo./Su. 11 sept. 2011 – Filmavond, 20uur: Fucking Åmål (Lukas Moodysson, Sweden, 1998, 89′) Two teenage girls in small-town Sweden. Elin is beautiful, popular, and bored with life. Agnes is friendless, sad, and secretly in love with Elin. film with English subtitles.
Benefiet voku axiezeefdrukwerkplaats
Do. 8 september – Benefiet voku axiezeefdrukwerkplaats 19uur, vegan food, no reservations, donations welcome.
In de aanloop van de laatste ontruimingsgolf hebben wij de d.h.z. aktiezeefdrukwerkplaats vanuit een van de panden op de lijst moeten verhuizen. In de werkplaats werden talloze t-shirts, patches en posters gedrukt om politieke strijd, acties en benefieten te ondersteunen, en ook posters voor sociale centra en culturele evenementen, waaronder de maandagenda van Joe’s Garage.
We hebben wat opstartkosten en enkele zeefdrukbenodigdheden, zoals UV-lampen en holrakels die we in bruikleen hadden, zullen opnieuw moeten worden aangeschaft, zodat de werkplaats weer jarenlang allerlei axies kan ondersteunen.
In the days before the last eviction wave we had to move the screenprintingworkshop from one of the houses on the evictionlist. In the past years numerous t-shirts, patches and posters have been screenprinted in this workshop to support political struggles, actions and benefits, as well as posters for social centers and cultural events, including Joe’s monthly calendar.
Some of the screenprinting tools we borrowed, we have to obtain again. For the workshop to be operational again to support all kinds of actions in the years to come we need to get some UV-lights, a scoop coater and we have some start-up costs.
Benefiet Anti-heros, Soli Voku voor de arrestanten van 5 juli 2011
Ma./Mo. 5 sept. 2011 – Benefiet Anti-heros, Soli Voku voor de arrestanten van 5 juli 2011 19uur, vegan food, no reservations, donations welcome.
update: NN’ers zijn vrij! De benefiet gaat door
Nog steeds zitten er twee mensen vast in vreemdelingendetentie sinds 5 juli. Ze blijven anoniem tegen de repressie van staat, politie en justitie.
update: The two NN are free! The benefit goes on
Since July 5th, two people are arrested in custody pending deportation. They are staying anonymous against the repression of state, police and justice.
Kitchenpunxxx Soli Voku for de Valreep
Ma./Mo. 29 Aug. 2011: Kitchenpunxxx Soli Voku for de Valreep at 19.00, no reservation needed.
De Valreep, new social center in Amsterdam, former pet asylum squatted on July 24th 2011. http://valreep.wordpress.com/
Benefiet voku for the Swammerdamstraat 12
Ma./Mo. 15 Aug. 2011: at 19.00, no reservation needed.
Swammerdamstraat 12 was squatted on July 10th 2011. The money raised will be used for a court case against the state, in case of an eviction threat. More details about the Swammerdamstraat 12 here http://sw12.squat.net/
Soli Voku voor de gearresteerde demonstranten tegen de repressie van justitie en politie
Ma./Mo. 8 Aug. 2011: Soli Voku voor de (nog) gearresteerde demonstranten tegen de repressie van justitie en politie at 19.00, no reservation needed.
“I refuse to be banned!” Anti-heros against sexism, antisemitism and repression preparing a solidarity-voku for the people who got arrested at the eviction of the Schijnheilig, especially for those who went to jail for weeks. Solidarity is a waffle.
Benefit Voku COP15 Courtcase
Do./Th. 14 Jul. 2011: Benefit Voku cop15 courtcase at 19.00, no reservation needed.
Every Thing You Always Wanted to Know About Sex * But Were Afraid to Ask
Zo. 26 juni 2011: Filmavond, 21uur, (Woody Allen, USA, 1972, 88′)
Seven segments related to one another only in that they all purport to be based on sections of the book by David Reuben