Zo./Su. 6 Nov. 2011 – Filmavond, 20uur: Filmavond, 20uur: Lesbian Vampire Killers (Phil Claydon, UK, 2009, 86′). Controversial comedy, offending movie that will be analyzed in a public autopsy. […Lees verder]
Waste Land
Zondag 30 oktober – Filmavond, 20uur: Waste Land (Lucy Walker, João Jardim and Karen Harley, Brazil, 2010, 90′, english subtitles) – Documentary
Waste Land follows renowned artist Vik Muniz as he journeys from his home base in Brooklyn to his native Brazil and the world’s largest garbage dump, Jardim Gramacho, located on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro. There he photographs an eclectic band of “catadores”—self-designated pickers of recyclable materials. Muniz’s initial objective was to “paint” the catadores with garbage. However, his collaboration with these inspiring characters as they recreate photographic images of themselves out of garbage reveals both the dignity and despair of the catadores as they begin to re-imagine their lives.
[…Lees verder]
District 9
Zondag 23 oktober – Filmavond, 20uur: District 9 (Neill Blomkamp, South Africa/USA, 2009. 112′) – Science fiction thriller.
In March 1982, a large alien spacecraft comes to Earth and hovers motionless above Johannesburg in South Africa. After three months of no contact and no signs of activity, a team enters the ship, discovering a large group of sick and malnourished extraterrestrials, who are then given food, shelter, and health-care on Earth…
[…Lees verder]
Zondag 16 oktober – Filmavond, 20uur: Commune (Jonathan Berman, USA, 2005, 78′) – Documentary
In 1968 members of San Francisco’s Mime Troupe and Digger Movement decided to separate from society and form their own community, known as the Black Bear Ranch, to reconnect with nature and experience a different way of life. At the turn of the new century the resilient counterculture settlement was still active at the base of majestic Mount Shasta, and filmmaker Jonathan Berman traveled to the eighty-acre tract to explore just how the Black Bear Ranch continues to thrive despite the concerns of their suspicious neighbors and the ever-present eyes of the F.B.I. […Lees verder]
Infoavond Antifa-activisten UK / Filmavond met ‘Antifa, Skinhead Hunters’ and ‘The 43 Group’
Zondag 9 oktober: vanaf 20u, infoavond met twee documentaires (‘The 43 Group’ en ‘Antifa: Skinhead Hunters’) over de strijd tegen opkomend fascisme in Londen vlak na de Tweede Wereldoorlog en het Parijs van de jaren tachtig. De avond staat in het teken van de recentelijk veroordeelde Britse antifascisten.Recentelijk werden in Groot-Britannië zeven antifascisten veroordeeld voor ‘samenzwering tot openlijke geweldpleging’ (conspiracy to cause violent disorder). Vier personen werden onmiddellijk tot 21 maanden celstraf veroordeeld, twee anderen tot 18 en 15 maanden. Vier anderen werden vrijgesproken, terwijl voor elf andere personen voor dezelfde aanklachten later dit jaar een rechtszaak wordt verwacht. Er is een solidariteitsfonds, The Cable Street Society, opgezet om de gevangenen in de bak, en ter bevordering van hun vrijlating, te ondersteunen. De opbrengst van deze avond gaat naar het solidariteitsfonds. […Lees verder]
Slingshot Hip Hop
Zondag 2 oktober – Filmavond, 20uur: (Jackie Reem Salloum, USA, 2008, 80′) – Documentary
Slingshot Hip Hop portrays the story of three aspiring Palestinian musicians from the rap group DAM as they develop their talent in their bedrooms and take it to standing-room-only crowds throughout historic Palestine.
Instead of performing empty songs to Jewish Israeli party-goers, as they did before their political awakening, DAM begin performing Arabic-language raps celebrating Palestinian literary figures, and decrying the realities of Palestinian life under Israeli rule in front of ever-growing crowds of Palestinian youth. […Lees verder]
A little Romance
Zo./Su 25 sept. 2011 – Filmavond, 20uur: A little Romance (George Roy Hill, France/USA, 1979, 108′) A French boy (Daniel) and an American girl (Lauren), who goes to school in Paris, meet and begin a little romance.
Punch Drunk Love
Zo./Su. 18 sept. 2011 – Filmavond, 20uur: (Paul Thomas Anderson, USA, 2002, 95′) A beleaguered small-business owner gets a harmonium and embarks on a romantic journey with a mysterious woman.