‘How did Feminism end up being the big bad F* word’ Discussion

CHANGE OF DATE! We apologize, but due to uncontrollable circumstances, the date of the discussion changed from 9th to 15th of August. Join us on Thursday! 🙂

Thu./Don. August 15th, 2013: Discussion, doors open at 18:30h, event starts at 19:00h

How did feminist end up being the big bad F* word?

  • Due to a mixup between ‘feminist’ and ‘man-hating bra-burning angry Amazon’
  • Due to patriarchy and its dismissal of opposing movements
  • Due to the scarcity of current feminist role models
  • Why does this event matter?
  • All of the above
  • Not sure, but I’d sure like to meet up and discuss this!
  • […Lees verder]

    “Non-monogamy and the Romantic idea of love” Workshop/Discussion

    Fri./Vri. May 17th 2013: Workshop/Discussion, 18:30 pm

    Non-monogamy is ok. We are all young…or we all were young at some point. We know what it’s like. But there will come a day when you will find a nice person who will be just right for you. And then you will not desire anything or anyone else. And you’ll be able to settle down and live happily every after – monogamously! And if you are still having non-monogamous thoughts, that may be because you haven’t found the right person yet. But do not worry. One day, you will find “the one.”

    Are we being socialized to believe in unrealistic ideas of love and relationships? Or are those romantic ideas realistic, but just don’t fit us all? Does ethical non-monogamy really work in the long run? Can we escape the romantic ideas of love and embrace alternative relationship forms? Can non-monogamy provide promises of feeling unique and of being in loving reciprocal confident relationships? Can non-monogamy keep these promises? To explore these questions and many more, join us for an informal discussion and a cup of tea.

    The discussion takes place in Joe’s Garage, on Friday, 17th of Maybetween 18:30 and 21:00. If you intend on attending the workshop, drop me a line by email.

    If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact me at joeworkshops [at] squat [dot] net.

    This event is part of a series about gender and sexuality called “It’s more than what’s in your pants.” Each month, Joe’s will host a event on a different theme.


    Queeristan Benefit

    Thursday April 11th 2013: Volkseten Vegazulu, Queeristan Benefit, 19:00 pm.

    Queeristan is an autonomous festival in Amsterdam for the exploration of radical queer politics in the form of workshops, performances, art, fun and anything in between or inside-out. Queeristan is not only a space that dodges logics of profit and commercialisation, but also a platform to both explore issues of solidarity in times of change, and talk about privilege, power, and sex. This year the festival will be from May 31st to June 2nd at Op De Valreep and Vrankrijk.
    Also, until the 31st of March, we are looking for proposals! Check out the call out: http://queeristan.org/ […Lees verder]

    “How to be a Man – Deconstructing Masculinity” Workshop

    Fri./Vri. March 15th 2013: Workshop, 18:30 pm
    A real man is rational and calm.
    A real man is strong.
    A real man is focused.
    A real man strives to be a role model.
    A real man doesn’t look like a woman.
    A real man does not behave like a woman.
    A real man fights for his family and his country.
    A real man is…
    A real man does…

    Being a “real” man ain’t easy. And not anyone can do it. But billions of people are sure trying very hard every day.
    To discuss what mainstream masculinity is and how it affects men…and the rest of the world, as well as how we can promote more inclusive models of masculinity or masculinities, join the workshop! […Lees verder]


    “Gender Revolution” Workshop

    Fri./Vri. February 8th 2013: Workshop, gender revolution! 18:00 pm.

    Female or Male? Which box do you fit in? Or maybe the female/ male gender binary doesn’t suit you? What are its advantages? What are its limitations? How can we adjust the gender binary to make it more inclusive? Is the eradication of gender binary the way to go? What shall we replace it with? More genders? No genders at all? Let’s revolutionize the gender system! But how?

    Let’s explore and discuss these questions in the safe and creative space of the workshop. It will consist in a series of games and discussions and the final product will be a series of statements about whether a gender revolution is needed and how that can happen.

    The ideal number of participants is no more than 10. The workshop is open to anyone interested and it is, of course, for free. The learning process goes both ways, so the participants and I will explore and learn together, from each other.

    The workshop takes place in Joe’s Garage, on Friday, 8th of Feb, between 18 and 20:30. If you intend on attending the workshop, drop me a line by email.

    If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact me at joeworkshops [at] squat [dot] net.

    This event is part of a workshop series about gender and sexuality called “It’s more than what’s in your pants.” Each month, Joe’s will host a workshop on a different theme.


    Voices of Women Media Benefit/ “Breaking the Spell” Screening

    Voices of Women Media Benefit Breaking the Spell Screening BenefitTh./Do. January 17th 2013: Volkseten Vegazulu, Voices of Women Media Benefit, 19:00 pm.

    Voices of Women Media is an emerging organization that aims to provide a way for marginalized communities of women to educate and express themselves through different forms of media.

    VOW Media believes that personalizing women’s individual experiences in the long run can have a long lasting effect on women’s rights worldwide. VOW Media aims to contribute to the advancement of women in society by giving these women the means to take media in their own hands. Through using media and skill training, we want to further their abilities to empower themselves and let their own voices be heard.

    We have just completed our sixth project, “Breaking the Spell”. […Lees verder]

    “Feminism – Who still needs that?” Workshop

    Fri./Vri. January 11th 2013: Workshop, 18:00 pm.
    What does being a woman mean? What is femininity? What is feminism? What does being a feminist mean? Do we still need feminism nowadays?

    Let’s explore and discuss these questions in the safe and creative space of the workshop. It will consist in a series of games and discussions and the final product will be a series of statements about why feminism is still needed or not. […Lees verder]


    Call for participants : Love Stories

    Digital story-telling workshop about Non-monogamy and the romantic idea of love

    Emotional and/ or sexual involvement with one or more people, friendship, open relationships, monogamy and non-monogamy, polyamory, friends with benefits, platonic love, crushes…the list can go on forever.

    Do you want a safe space where you can talk about it all?
    Do you want to discover and create your own love story?
    Do you want to share it using multi-media tools?

    […Lees verder]
