LaRage Benefit, Support the Squatting Scene

Mo./Ma. March 18th 2013: Volkseten Vegazulu, LaRage Benefit, Support the Squatting Scene, 19:00 pm.

“On January 27th, we squatted the Cornelis Drebbelstraat 35 which was empty over several years. Now we are living there and want to make great use out of it. How are we going to continue ?
The first priorities for the following time are repairing and fixing different things in the house, to make a usable, living place out of it.We are repairing the toilets, painting the walls and are trying to lay carpet in every room. This will be a lot of work, but at the same time we are thinking about activities which could be possible in the near future, to share this wonderful place with the neighbours, alternative people and everyone who is interested. We would like to offer you some coffee or tea with cookies and cake, make a small voku or do different short workshops.
But until we are at that point there are of course also financial points, we need new locks, paint for the walls, a lot of stuff for a voku viable kitchen and so on. Because of that we are inviting you to a wonderful meal at the Joe`s Garage. Thank you for your support, everyone is invited. Fascistic, racist or sexist opinions aren’t welcome!!!”
Squat LaRage
[…Lees verder]

Anarchists Against the Wall Benefit

Mo./Ma. March 11th 2013: Volkseten Vegazulu, Anarchists Against the Wall Benefit, 19:00 pm.

Anarchists Against the Wall [] is a group of Israeli, Palestinian and International activists that operate in opposition of the apartheid wall on the West Bank. They take part in the every weekly demonstration that is organized by the village in Bil’in. Taking advantage of the only fact that they are having Israeli passports they function as a human shield, reducing the violence performed by the Israeli soldiers. Every week they are beaten down and arrested and are now facing high legal debts to pay their lawyers to keep them out of prison. As we understand that the presence of Israeli and International activists are of an high importance in the struggle against the wall furthermore the liberation of Palestine we do now have the opportunity to raise some money on behalf of this work. […Lees verder]

Benefiet Steungroep Vrouwen Zonder Verblijfsvergunning

Th./Do. March 7th 2013: Volkseten Vegazulu, Benefiet Steungroep Vrouwen Zonder Verblijfsvergunning, 19:00 pm.

De huidige wetgeving maakt het voor vrouwen zonder papieren steeds moeilijker om hun recht te halen. Vrouwen die in aanmerking komen voor een verblijfsvergunning wordt het door de torenhoge legeskosten onmogelijk gemaakt om een procedure te beginnen, omdat zij immers door hun status als ‘illegaal’ niet in de positie verkeren om een inkomen te verwerven. Hierdoor blijven zij toegewezen op een onzichtbaar, kansarm bestaan in de Nederlandse samenleving.
Stop deze machtsbarrière en deel de maaltijd uit loyaliteit, waarbij de opbrengst zal gaan naar het mogelijk maken van een eerlijke procedure voor een vrouw in deze positie.
Hopelijk tot dan!
Steungroep Vrouwen Zonder Verblijfsvergunning […Lees verder]

Benefiet Voku Soweto

Mo./Ma. March 4th 2013: Volkseten Vegazulu, Benefiet Voku Soweto, 19:00 pm.
Creating A COMMUNITY OWNED social (and living) space

The housing association Soweto aims to do what the official ‘social housing corporations’ don’t deliver: to provide communities with affordable space for living, working, organising, talking politics and having fun. It all started with trying to legalize Joe’s garage in the squatted PS 28. Unfortunately, that wasn’t successful – but now there is a realistic chance for getting our first space: a beautiful old school-building on the Pieter Nieuwlandstraat in Amsterdam East, close to the Dappermarkt. […Lees verder]

The Black Fish Benefit

Mo./Ma. February 18th 2013: Volkseten Vegazulu, The Black Fish Benefit, 19:00 pm.

The Black Fish is an international marine conservation movement on a mission to end the industrial overfishing of our oceans. Through investigation and action we work to expose and challenge illegal and destructive fishing practices. Our grassroots campaigns and educational projects are aimed at empowering individuals to get actively involved in conservation work and help build grassroots citizen-led conservation communities.
Join us in an info-night with great vegan food and learn more about our upcoming campaigns and how to get involved. Check out our web site for more info and see you there! […Lees verder]

Benefiet Steungroep Vrouwen Zonder Verblijfsvergunning

Th./Do. February 7th 2013: Volkseten Vegazulu, Benefiet Steungroep Vrouwen Zonder Verblijfsvergunning, 19:00 pm.

De huidige wetgeving maakt het voor vrouwen zonder papieren steeds moeilijker om hun recht te halen. Vrouwen die in aanmerking komen voor een verblijfsvergunning wordt het door de torenhoge legeskosten onmogelijk gemaakt om een procedure te beginnen, omdat zij immers door hun status als ‘illegaal’ niet in de positie verkeren om een inkomen te verwerven. Hierdoor blijven zij toegewezen op een onzichtbaar, kansarm bestaan in de Nederlandse samenleving.
Stop deze machtsbarrière en deel de maaltijd uit loyaliteit, waarbij de opbrengst zal gaan naar het mogelijk maken van een eerlijke procedure voor een vrouw in deze positie.
Hopelijk tot dan!
Steungroep Vrouwen Zonder Verblijfsvergunning […Lees verder]

Benefit dinner for Talent Project Philippines

Th./Do. January 31st 2013: Volkseten Vegazulu, Benefit dinner for Talent Project Philippines, 19:00 pm.

We are a group of young professionals, from different areas (music, dance, theater, cinema and psychology), that are going to the Philippines to do art with abandoned and neglected children! We hope to contribute to the children’s development and emotional maturation. This project is organized and partially supported by Culture Clash 4U. However, we need to support most of the expenses. We want to show our cooking ability and at the same time get some help for our project. Hope to see you there!

For more information about the project you can check the following link: […Lees verder]

Benefit Arent Krijtsstraat Diemen – Help us pay for water!

Th./Do. January 24th 2013: Benefit Arent Krijtsstraat Diemen – Help us pay for water! Volkseten Vegazulu, 19:00 pm.

The Arent Krijtsstraat in Diemen got squatted last June, but due to problems with the owner and the utility service companies, there’s still no connections for gas, water or electricity. Now that we’ve finally got a deal with Waternet to connect us, we have to pay 2000 euro up front, which is legal, but we don’t quite have that money. So help us to pay for our water connection by eating Sven’s delicious meals!

Volkseten Vegazulu is every monday and thursday, vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation. […Lees verder]