Zo./Su 25 sept. 2011 – Filmavond, 20uur: A little Romance (George Roy Hill, France/USA, 1979, 108′) A French boy (Daniel) and an American girl (Lauren), who goes to school in Paris, meet and begin a little romance.
October 2011 Joe’s Garage program
October brings three other benefits. A first one for antifascist activists from UK, a second one for Squat!net and a third one for Voices of Women Media. And some documentaries and fiction ‘Slingshot Hip Hop’, ‘The 43 Group’, ‘Antifa: Skinhead Hunters’, ‘Commune’, ‘Waste Land’, ‘District 9’.
Come and join us. You want to help in the kitchen, in the give away shop, you want to play a movie, organize an info night, a benefit or a workshop. You and us are making Joe’s Garage alive, so dare to engage into discussions with us and find out where you would like to help. Or mail us at joe [at] squat [dot] net. […Lees verder]
Benefiet Voices of Women Media (VOW Media)
Donderdag 20 oktober 2011: VOW Media Benefit – Voku, plus info and short-films “A Day In Her Life”. From 19pm, no reservation, donations welcome.
“Voices of Women Media (VOW Media) [http://voicesofwomenmedia.org/] is an emerging organization that aims to provide a way for marginalized communities of women to educate and express themselves through different forms of media. During this fundraiser, we will hold a screening of our past project, “A Day in Her Life.” During the project, we worked with women who have been trafficked and with current and former sex workers.
On one level, we train women who are marginalised in the Netherlands to tell their stories using powerful media tools such as radio, photography, and video. We want to give them the skill and opportunity to express the complexities of their lives. But we don’t stop there. Our goal is to use media to create a more humanized and multi-faceted picture of the sex industry. We want to show this industry as a complex fabric, composed both of women workers who are entitled to demand their rights as workers and women who have been forced into the industry.
This year, we are holding two multi-media workshops for young girls with foreign background and we will also hold a master course with the sex workers from the A Day in Her Life project.”
Preview of the first video from “A Day In Her Life” Workshop 2010.
“A Day In Her Life” (Voices of Women Media, 2010, 18′)
Multimedia workshop for sex workers in Amsterdam’s Red Light District. It consists of 6 short videos – self portraits from different women who work in the windows of the Red Light. A compilation of short movies made by sex workers in the Netherlands through the Voices project. “Our goal is to use media to create a more humanised and multi-faceted picture of the sex industry. We want to show this industry as a complex fabric, composed both of women workers who are entitled to demand their rights as workers and women who have been forced into the industry. Many people looking in from the outside have quite a polarised view. Women are either victims, or they are making choices. But as in any other area of life, there are many grey zones.
Benefiet Squat!net
Maandag 10 oktober: Squat.net benefit voku. 19uur, no reservation, donations welcome.
Squat!net [http://squat.net] is active since 1997, and has been providing web hosting and email hosting for squatters and related projects for free for many years. […Lees verder]
Punch Drunk Love
Zo./Su. 18 sept. 2011 – Filmavond, 20uur: (Paul Thomas Anderson, USA, 2002, 95′) A beleaguered small-business owner gets a harmonium and embarks on a romantic journey with a mysterious woman.
Benefiet Antifa-activisten UK
Donderdag 6 oktober 2011 vanaf 19u benefiet voku met praatje. No reservation, donations welcome.
Zondag 9 oktober: vanaf 20u, infoavond met twee documentaires (‘The 43 Group’ en ‘Antifa: Skinhead Hunters’) over de strijd tegen opkomend fascisme in Londen vlak na de Tweede Wereldoorlog en het Parijs van de jaren tachtig. De avond staat in het teken van de recentelijk veroordeelde Britse antifascisten. […Lees verder]
Fucking Åmål
Zo./Su. 11 sept. 2011 – Filmavond, 20uur: Fucking Åmål (Lukas Moodysson, Sweden, 1998, 89′) Two teenage girls in small-town Sweden. Elin is beautiful, popular, and bored with life. Agnes is friendless, sad, and secretly in love with Elin. film with English subtitles.
Benefiet voku axiezeefdrukwerkplaats
Do. 8 september – Benefiet voku axiezeefdrukwerkplaats 19uur, vegan food, no reservations, donations welcome.
In de aanloop van de laatste ontruimingsgolf hebben wij de d.h.z. aktiezeefdrukwerkplaats vanuit een van de panden op de lijst moeten verhuizen. In de werkplaats werden talloze t-shirts, patches en posters gedrukt om politieke strijd, acties en benefieten te ondersteunen, en ook posters voor sociale centra en culturele evenementen, waaronder de maandagenda van Joe’s Garage.
We hebben wat opstartkosten en enkele zeefdrukbenodigdheden, zoals UV-lampen en holrakels die we in bruikleen hadden, zullen opnieuw moeten worden aangeschaft, zodat de werkplaats weer jarenlang allerlei axies kan ondersteunen.
In the days before the last eviction wave we had to move the screenprintingworkshop from one of the houses on the evictionlist. In the past years numerous t-shirts, patches and posters have been screenprinted in this workshop to support political struggles, actions and benefits, as well as posters for social centers and cultural events, including Joe’s monthly calendar.
Some of the screenprinting tools we borrowed, we have to obtain again. For the workshop to be operational again to support all kinds of actions in the years to come we need to get some UV-lights, a scoop coater and we have some start-up costs.