In December, we invite you to the Bajesdoc Festival, Reclaim the Screens, 8-11 December 2011. Bajesdoc is a free alternative documentary film festival in Bajesdorp and other autonomous locations in Amsterdam Oost, Joe’s Garage and de Valreep. On december 9th, at Joe’s Garage, we’ll screen two documentaries, Red Forest Hotel from Mika Koskinen and Behind the Mask from Shannon Keith. Regular activities go on at Joe’s Garage. If you want to cook or organize any event, benefit, infonight, filmnight, workshop, please email us all details. […Lees verder]
Reclaim the Seeds benefit/infonight
On Thursday 24th there will be a benefiet voku for the Reclaim the Seeds event. Sunday after, 27th at 8pm there will be an infonight on this topic with film.
During the infonight we will give you more details on the seed exchange and info fair coming spring and how to get involved. We will show the film “A personal story on Seed Saving, made by Bart Van Baardwijk in Pun Pun, an organic farm and seed saving center of selfreliance in Thailand. Afterwards we will talk about the recent developments in the Dutch and international seed market which have lead to monopolisation of seeds and the decline of bio- and seeddiversity. European legislation forces farmers to give up their independency while on the same time patents are given to common fruit and vegetable varieties. What does this mean for food sovereignity? And what means food sovereignity to us? […Lees verder]
Infonight and film about Dale Farm
Zo./Su. 20 Nov. 2011, 20:00: Infonight and film about Dale Farm A group of people will talk about their experiences on the travellers site Dale Farm in the UK, resisting the eviction plan that had been a threat to them for many years. The eviction took place one month ago. There will be footage of the eviction as an extension of their talk. It´s a BBC-documentary made by a a trusted filmmaker who spent a lot of time at Dale Farm for many years. […Lees verder]
Infonight and film about Dale Farm
Zo./Su. 20 Nov. 2011, 20:00: Infonight and film about Dale Farm. A group of people will talk about their experiences on the travellers site Dale Farm in the UK, resisting the eviction plan that had been a threat to them for many years. The eviction took place one month ago. There will be footage of the eviction as an extension of their talk. It´s a BBC-documentary made by a a trusted filmmaker who spent a lot of time at Dale Farm for many years.
Dale Farm, in Crays Hill, Essex, is the UK’s largest Travellers’ community, consisting of nearly a hundred separate properties, lying well outside the village and made up of extended family plots or yards. A number of Gypsies and Travellers have lived at Dale Farm legally since the 1960s. Over the years, more families came to join them after councils began shutting down public sites and Travellers were forced to look for permanent places to settle. […Lees verder]
Solidariteit met laatste arrestant ontruimingsgolf
Update: Laatste arrestant ontruimingsgolf inmiddels vrijgelaten (14nov), rechtzaak uitgesteld.
De eerder aangekondigde rechtzaak op 16 november van de laatste arrestant van de recente ontruimingsgolf in Amsterdam is afgelast. Het Openbaar Ministerie heeft de dagvaarding ingetrokken, dit betekende echter niet zijn vrijheid. Wanneer een nieuwe zitting zal plaatsvinden is vooralsnog onbekend. Het lijkt er op dat ze hem langer willen vasthouden. Maandag 14 november 2011 kwam hij voor de raadkamer. Dit leidde uiteindelijk tot een schorsing. […Lees verder]
BajesDoc, Reclaim the Screens
Amsterdam Oost presents BajesDoc, Reclaim the Screens, 8-11 December 2011. Bajesdoc is a free alternative documentary film festival in Bajesdorp and other autonomous locations in Amsterdam Oost, Joe’s Garage and de Valreep. With dozens of inspiring documentaries related to environment, politics, human-rights, and various social struggles here and over the world, discussions/debates with some of the movie makers will sometimes follow the screenings…Bajesdoc is made possible by a group of international volunteers engaged in alternative neighbourhood initiatives. Documentaries will be screened with english subtitles. Discussions will follow. We’ll provide you drinks and food.
Bajesdoc at Joe’s Garage, friday december 9th:
19:00 Voku
20:00 Red Forest Hotel (Mika Koskinen, Finland, 2011, 87′, english subs.)
21:30 Behind the Mask (Shannon Keith, US, 2006, 72′) […Lees verder]
BajesDoc, Reclaim the Screens
Amsterdam Oost presents BajesDoc, Reclaim the Screens, 8-11 December 2011. Bajesdoc is a free alternative documentary film festival in Bajesdorp and other autonomous locations in Amsterdam Oost, Joe’s Garage and de Valreep. With dozens of inspiring documentaries related to environment, politics, human-rights, and various social struggles here and over the world, discussions/debates with some of the movie makers will sometimes follow the screenings…Bajesdoc is made possible by a group of international volunteers engaged in alternative neighbourhood initiatives. Documentaries will be screened with english subtitles. Discussions will follow. We’ll provide you drinks and food. […Lees verder]
Kinky boots
Zo./Su. 13 Nov. 2011, 20:00 – Filmavond: Kinky Boots (Julian Jarrold, UK, 2005, 107′). Watch trailer
A drag queen comes to the rescue of a man who, after inheriting his father’s shoe factory, needs to diversify his product if he wants to keep the business afloat. […Lees verder]