Food Autonomy Festival Benefit Night

Monday May 20th 2019, Food Autonomy Festival Benefit Night, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

ASEED is hosting a benefit night in order to inform about and raise donations for the third edition of our Food Autonomy Festival ( The festival will take place from the 31st of May til the 2nd of June at the Boterbloem farm in Amsterdam. The vegan meal is donation-based. Join at 19:00 and get some information about the festival and our Fossil Free Agriculture Campaign in general.

Joe’s Garage is always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. Enjoying it is a must. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, send an email to joe [at] lists [dot] squat [dot] net net and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.

ASEED Food Autonomy Festival (FAF) Benefit

aseedfafThursday 13th April 2017, ASEED Food Autonomy Festival (FAF) Benefit. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

ASEED Europe will host a benefit to raise funds for the Food Autonomy Festival. The festival will bring together groups working towards food autonomy from Amsterdam and beyond. There will be practical workshops on composing, urban gardening and more, along with presentations and discussions about food sovereignty, agroecology and agricultural collectives. Food groups from around Amsterdam will be present to talk about their projects. In the evening there will be a meal, bands and bar. The festival will take place in the Bajesdorp on May 6th. Come and eat with us at the Joes, where we will cook a delicious meal with vegan waffles for desert, hear more about the festival and help us to pay the numerous costs involved in hosting the event! […Lees verder]


Benefit and info-night Agriculture and climate action camp

20150312_joesgarage_Benefit_climate_action_campThursday March 12th 2015, Benefit and info-night Agriculture and climate action camp – summer 2015 Amsterdam, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm

In December 2015, the world’s leaders are meeting up in Paris for the international Climate Change negotiations (COP21). This is a year of mass mobilization and a golden opportunity to make our voices heard.

Industrial agriculture is one of the major contributors to climate change, as it is primarily based on the use of fossil energy. Just think about the massive use of petrol-based fertilizers and all the import/export of commodities (soy, wheat, maize crops used for biofuels, animal feed, etc).
Drawing near to the Paris summit, all European capitals would be expected to prepare themselves for the challenges to come, and drastically reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.
However, disregarding the urgent need for action, the city of Amsterdam is not taking any significant measures to meet the climate targets agreed in past international conventions. In fact, despite the green public discourse displayed in the media, Amsterdam intends to expand its port, where some of the most polluting companies are already at work. Coal, oil, grain and chemicals are imported in massive quantities, processed and sent back for export on a daily basis. In other words, nasty food is being fueled by dirty energy in exchange for higher GDP (Growth Domestic Product = $$$) and unacceptable environmental costs. […Lees verder]


ASEED Benefit

Monday June 16th 2014: ASEED Benefit, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

ASEED Europe (Action for Solidarity, Equality, Environment and Diversity Europe) is an international campaigning organisation which targets the structural causes of environmental destruction and social injustice. The organisation consists of mainly volunteers and is always in need of support. […Lees verder]


Benefit Mobilization against Monsanto


Monday May 20th 2013: Volkseten Vegazulu, Benefit Mobilization against Monsanto, 19:00 pm.

Monsanto is the biggest seed company in the world. They monopolise our food with GMOs and patents. They own 75% of the broccoli, paprika and tomato in Europe. 99% of the soy grown in Argentina is Roundup Ready from Monsanto. In The Netherlands Monsanto owns 2 mayor vegetable seed companies: De Ruiter and Seminis. They force farmers to buy their seeds and their Roundup pesticide year after year, by taking over the seed market. […Lees verder]


FLM (Field Liberation Movement) Benefit, Steun de Wetteren 11

Th./Do. 20 december 2012: Volkseten Vegazulu, FLM (Field Liberation Movement) Benefit, info-night, film and “Bière des Faucheurs”, 19:00 pm.

The court case against the Belgium Field Liberation activists is starting in January 2013. The two Dutch comrades who joined the action in June 2011, are now bringing you a benefit beer ‘La Faucheuse’ in order to support the costs. They’ll be present during this people’s kitchen and will tell you more about the action and the coming court case, and will play you a film.

Het proces tegen de Belgische veldbevrijders gaat in 2013 verder. Twee Nederlandse kameraden waren in juni 2011 van de partij, en moeten nu alvast heel veel benefiet-bier ‘La Faucheuse’ zien aan te prijzen, om donaties te halen voor de proceskosten. Ze zijn bij het etentje aanwezig om een en ander te vertellen over de actie en het aankomend proces. […Lees verder]

ASEED Info night: Agriculture Action camp & Anti-gentech campaign

Sunday, May 20th 2012, 8pm – Landbouwactiekamp 2012: “Voedsel terug in eigen hand” (5-10 juli)
Ben je geïnteresseerd in zelf je eigen voedsel verbouwen op een duurzame, klimaatneutrale, autonome en sociale manier? Wil je ook meer weten over de strijd tegen gentech en de door grote bedrijven gedomineerde industriële landbouw?Ben je niet bang om tijdens een workshop zelf vieze handen te krijgen?Zorg dan dat je 5 tot en met 10 juli vrij houdt in je agenda! Meer informatie op […Lees verder]

Beetelling and Sushi night

banksybeeSunday 11th of March 2012, 8pm: Ideatelling presents: A Beetelling  “Let me tell you a story about our Food and the Bees, and the Flowers and the Trees”
An overview of some inspiring bee-ideas, what’s happening in their world, why should we care, and what if we do? Spoken word – 25 min.- and video fragments, English, by Geert Van Kerckhove.
While listening you can enjoy delicious vegan sushi, prepared for you by Joe’s Garage master chefs.
This night is part of Reclaim the seeds, taking place in Plantagedoklaan, through the neighbourhood and in De Valreep during the whole weekend. Reclaim the seeds: Saturday 10th of March: Think Global
11am-5pm seedexchangefair, free entrance @ Plantagedoklaan 12A
10-11am: Introduction to Seed saving Basics of saving and breeding for the hobbyist gardener + question round. (Bilingual: English and Dutch) by Nina Holland, Linder van Heerik, permaculture teacher and Patrick Wiebe, Bifurcated carrot
Voedselsoevereiniteit, Meike Vierstra A SEED Europe (Dutch) “Voedselsoevereiniteit plaatst de ambities en behoeften van hen die voedsel produceren, distribueren en consumeren centraal in voedselstructuren en het beleid, in plaats van steeds te buigen voor de eisen van de markt en grote bedrijven.”
Zaden zonder grenzen/ Semences sans frontières, Ariane Ghion, Kokopelli (Ndls) Zaden en teelthandleidingen om te oogsten en voedselsoevereiniteit te bekomen.
11u15 tot 12u45
European seedlaws, patenting en resistance Ariane Ghion, Kokopelli & Seedsoeverignitycampaign
Hoe houdbaar is ons landbouwsysteem? Linder van Heerik, permacultureel lesgever (Dutch) De machtsconcentratie in de landbouw neemt toe.Transitie is dringend nodig. Mogelijke oplossingen zoals permacultuur, biologische of biologisch-dynamische landbouw en agro-ecology zullen aan bod komen. Groentezaadteelt, René Groenen (Dutch)historisch en sociaal-economisch perspectief van uitgangsmateriaal Aan de hand van praktijkvoorbeelden veredeling (selectie) van nieuwe rassen, instandhouding en zaadvermeerdering van bestaande rassen.
Patentrecht versus kwekersrecht, pannel discussie, René Groenen, Loes Mertens, Bolster, Kempe van der Heide (NAV)(Dutch)
Can food movements influence the corporate food regime? Greet Goverde and Martha Jane Robbins (English) Reforms are needed to tackle the food crisis and the corporate foodregime; what alliances can effect change, in the Netherlands, the EU and worldwide?
Participatory breeding in a community garden and tree grafting, Patrick Wiebe (Englis) History of seed saving, introduction to plant breeding, blogactivities, seed networks, volkstuinen. The Seed Savers Exchange in the US and the politics surrounding that. Is the Svalbard Global Seed Vault saving the seeds of the world or creating even more monopoly? (first hour) Introduction workshop to three crafting (last 30minutes)
Cityplot children activities and composting
Guerillagardening: from 10 am till 5pm making seedboms. Different topics throughout the day like edible flowers and veggies, insect appealing, soil-curing, golden combinations, anti-capitalist: the more you harvest, the more you get.
the mobiation project: service-desk for all your garden-construction problems” Mobile container gardening […Lees verder]