September 2012 Joe’s Garage program

Will Joe’s Garage open 6 days a week in September? Are you ready to give some of your time, put some creativity and subversion into Joe’s? We are waiting for your active participation, there is plenty to do, cooking and helping every monday and thursday with the Volkseten Vegazulu, running every tuesday the Kraakspreekuur Oost, (de)socializing every wednesday afternoon during the the Lonely Collective Day Cafe, helping out every saturday afternoon at the Give Away Shop, programming, organizing film/info nights every sunday. Come along with your ideas. Click here and get involved at Joe’s Garage. Keep an eye on our program and on Radar, more events will be announced. You also can get involved a bit further in the neighbourhood, at the Valreep, at the Bajesdorp, at the Roomtuintje Oostbos, the recently squatted gardens in the Dapperbuurt, on the Pieter Vlamingstraat 86.

The coming benefits this month: Leonard Peltier,  Screen Print Studio, Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Campaign, Volkskeuken Zeeburgerpad 22, Anarcho Queer Punk Festival. Films to be screened: Incident at Oglala, Diamonds of the Night, The Miners’ Hymns. […Lees verder]

Benefit for the Volkskeuken Zeeburgerpad 22

Ma./Mo. 17 september 2012, 19:00pm, Volkseten Vegazulu, Benefit for the Volkskeuken Zeeburgerpad 22
A new people’s kitchen and give away shop will be soon opening on the Zeeburgerpad 22. Come and support this new initiative in the neighborhood.

Volkseten Vegazulu is every monday and thursday, 19:00pm, vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation

Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Diamonds of the Night (Jan Němec, 1964) and The Miners’ Hymns (Bill Morrison, 2011)

Sunday September 16th 2012, Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema with a double feature: Diamonds of the Night (Jan Němec, 1964) and The Miners’ Hymns (Bill Morrison, 2011). Screened by guest programmer Jeffrey Babcock,  in high-definition. Door open at 20pm (films start at 21:00pm)

Diamonds of the Night (Jan Němec, 1964)DIAMONDS OF THE NIGHT   1964
(Démanty noci)
Directed by Jan Němec
63 minutes
In Czech with English subtitles

This film is a intense, illuminating and harsh story of two Czech boys who escape from a train taking them from Prague to a concentration camp. As they run wildly through the hilly, forested landscape they are being hunted down by armed German villagers. The film is visceral and visual, with very few words spoken. It is an anti-war film that doesn’t deal with actual warfare, but rather focuses on human survival in almost surrealistic dimensions. The film constantly breaks with normal storytelling, intersecting hallucinations and flashbacks into the two boy’s exhaustive physical journey. […Lees verder]

Benefit for the Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Campaign

Do./Th. 13 september 2012, 19:00pm, Volkseten Vegazulu,  Benefit for the Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Campaign

Mumia Abu-Jamal is a Black writer and journalist, author of six books and hundreds of columns and articles, former member of the Black Panther Party and supporter of Philadelphia’s radical MOVE Organization, who has spent the last 30 years in prison, almost all in solitary confinement on Pennsylvania’s Death Row.

In 1982 Mumia Abu-Jamal was tried, convicted and sentenced to death for the murder of Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner. For the next 30 years Mumia was held in isolation on Death Row. He was kept there even though a federal judge ordered his death sentence overturned in 2001. However, after losing numerous appeals of that order, the Philadelphia District Attorney on 7 December 2011 announced he was giving up. Mumia remains in prison under a sentence of life without parole. […Lees verder]

Benefit for Screen Print Studio

Mo./Ma. 10 september 2012, 19:00, Benefit for Screen Print Studio
To support political struggles, actions, social centers, squats, the Screen Print Studio (the Axiezeefdrukwerkplaats) is printing your t-shirts, patches and posters. The workshop is operational and always needs your financial support and your hands. […Lees verder]

Joe’s Garage vrijwilligersvergadering

Zo./Su. 9 september 2012, 14:00pm – We hopen dat behalve de vaste vrijwilligers ook de bezoekers zich welkom voelen. inloop: 13:30 / start: 14:00. Iedereen is van harte welkom om bij beide onderwerpen een inbreng te geven. Op de agenda staat:
-Evaluatie van de laatste tijd
-Voorstellen voor de toekomst
Joe’s Garage volunteers meeting. We hope that besides regular volunteers, visitors feel welcome. Opening at 13:30 / begin at 14:00. Everyone is welcome to contribute to the agenda:
-Proposals for the future

Benefit Leonard Peltier & film night with Incident at Oglala

Mo./Ma. 03 september 2012, 19:00, Benefit Leonard Peltier
Zo./Su. 09 september 2012, 20:00, film night with Incident at Oglala

Leonard Peltier is an imprisoned Native American, a political prisoner who should be immediately released. He was convicted for the deaths of two FBI agents who died during a 1975 shoot-out on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. Leonard Peltier has been in prison for over 29 years.  See also […Lees verder]

Benefit WARKA

Mo./Ma. 27 august 2012, 19:00, Benefit WARKA
The Ethiopian Queens Flabbergasting Cooking Crew* reunites in Joe’s kitchen to offer us their delicacies. Saba and Sephora are fund-raising for Warka, [] (Independant Foundation for Self-Sufficiency and Community Projects), which finances a school-home project in Awassa, Ethiopia. […Lees verder]