Red Nose Delicious Arab Spring Benefit Dinner

RebelClownMo./Ma.  22 october 2012: Volkseten Vegazulu, Red Nose Delicious Arab Spring Benefit Dinner, 19PM
Rebelact are back from Egypt and have been doing training workshops in Cairo and Alexandria. With a few clips of their trip to Egypt!

Volkseten Vegazulu is every monday and thursday, 19:00pm, vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation


October 2012 Joe’s Garage program

If you are ever standing under the rain, in front of a closed door at Joe’s it is because nobody has volunteered to open the space, cook some food, make coffee. We do everything D(o)I(t)Y(ourself) and your active participation is really needed in this squatted social center. We are swinging back into action after the summer and your energy is needed now more than ever! Contact Joe’s now! Email to joe [at] squat [dot] net

Another serie of benefits is announced in October: DJP Defend Job Philippine, Kurdish Dutch Cultural Centre Amsterdam (KNCCA), Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Campaign, Red Nose Delicious Arab Spring, Zapatista Autonomous Community. And Jeffrey will of course be back with a film from Olivier Assayas, Cold Water.  Keep an eye on-line for updates. […Lees verder]

Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Campaign Benefit

Do./Th. 18 october 2012, 19:00pm, Volkseten Vegazulu, Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Campaign Benefit

Mumia Abu-Jamal is a Black writer and journalist, author of six books and hundreds of columns and articles, former member of the Black Panther Party and supporter of Philadelphia’s radical MOVE Organization, who has spent the last 30 years in prison, almost all in solitary confinement on Pennsylvania’s Death Row.

Volkseten Vegazulu is every monday and thursday, 19:00pm, vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation

Benefit Warka

Mo./Ma. 15 october 2012, 19:00pm, Volkseten Vegazulu, Benefit WARKA
Another edition of the Ethiopian Queens Flabbergasting Cooking Crew. Saba and Sephora are fund-raising for Warka, [] (Independant Foundation for Self-Sufficiency and Community Projects), which finances a school-home project in Awassa, Ethiopia.

Volkseten Vegazulu is every monday and thursday, 19:00pm, vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation

Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Cold Water (Olivier Assayas)

Sunday October 14th 2012, Movie night with Cold Water. Screened by guest programmer Jeffrey Babcock,  in high-definition. Door open at 20pm (films start at 21:00pm) L’EAU FROIDE, (Cold Water) 1994. Directed by Olivier Assayas, 92 minutes. In French with English subtitles
An amazing film from Oliver Assayas (Carlos, Irma Vep) about growing up in Europe in the 70s. Strangely enough, it feels that now, after all the large alternative movements have died, and the only culture left seems to be business-culture, that young people today are faced with a similar situation. This film captures perfectly the tone of being young and rebellious, but having nothing in society to connect to. […Lees verder]

Benefit Kurdish Dutch Cultural Centre Amsterdam (KNCCA)

Ma./Mo. 08 october 2012, 19:00pm, Volkseten Vegazulu, Benefit Kurdish Dutch Cultural Centre Amsterdam (KNCCA).

In 2011, Turkish Grey Wolves attacked Kurdish targets in Amsterdam, France and Germany. Since september 2011, the Kurdish Dutch Cultural Centrum has lost all financial support from the City of Amsterdam. They are now located in the North of Amsterdam, in a smaller space. They need your support. On the program, Kurdish food, acoustic concert with the Mesopotamia Ensemble, also known as Bager Zanyar.

Volkseten Vegazulu is every monday and thursday, 19:00pm, vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation

Benefit DJP Defend Job Philippines

Do./Th. 04 october 2012, 19:00pm, Volkseten Vegazulu, Benefit DJP Defend Job Philippines

Defend Job Philippines (DJP) is a broad campaign of workers demanding decent jobs and better working and living conditions in the Philippines. Defend Job was established in 2009 by displaced workers of Triumph International when their factory was closed and hundreds of workers were dismissed uncompensated. The center tries to support the interests of the laid off workers and their initiatives, e.g. the Displaced Womens’ Cooperative.

Volkseten Vegazulu is every monday and thursday, 19:00pm, vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation

Benefit for the Anarcho Queer Punk Festival

Ma./Mo. 24 september 2012, 19:00pm, Volkseten Vegazulu, Benefit for the Anarcho Queer Punk Festival

Anarcho Queer Punk Fest is a DIY festival which aims to fight prejudice, create alternatives and celebrate what is it to be queer. We are against hierachies, capitalism and assimilation.
*Fight for the liberation. Nothing more, nothing less.  State recognition in the form of opressive institutions such as marriage and militarism are not steps toward liberation but rather towards heteronormative assimilation.
*rejection of capitalism, imperalism and ALL forms of state power.
*Actively oppose opression both in or out the movement.
QUEERCORE is a cultural and social movement that began in the mid 80s as an offshot of punk.It is dintinguished by being discontent with society in general and its rejection of the disaproval of the gay, bisexual or lesbian communities.
The FEST will be 3 days of punk music, workshops, vokus and special surprise for sunday …  this is a international celebration of the anarcho queer punk so aspect music and workshops from all europe

Volkseten Vegazulu is every monday and thursday, 19:00pm, vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation