Black Cat Cine presents “The Square” (Jehane Noujaim, 2013)

The_Square_Jehane_NoujaimSunday 12th March 2017, Black Cat Cine presents “The Square” by Jehane Noujaim, Egypt 2013, 95 min, English subtitles. Door opens at 8pm, film begin at 9pm. Free admission.

An intimate observational documentary that tells the story of the struggle of the Egyptian Revolution through the eyes of six different protesters. Starting in the tents of Tahrir in the days leading up to the fall of Mubarak, we follow our characters on a life-changing journey through the euphoria of victory into the uncertainties and dangers of the current ‘transitional period’ under military rule. “An inspiring testament to the power of protests and the voice of the people.”

Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Doors open after 8pm, film begins at 9pm, free entrance. You want to play a movie, let us know: joe [at] squat [dot] net

Efa Supertramp and Dancing Queer

Dancing_Queer_Shroukie_El_AttarMonday May 9th 2016, Concert with Efa Supertramp and Dancing Queer, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm. Music from 9pm till 10pm! Donations welcome.

Dancing Queer (Shrouk El-Attar) dances to raise awareness of LGBTQ + siblings persecuted around the world, just for being who they are. What’s that? Belly dancers should have long hair and shave their legs and underarms? Well, not this one! Originally from the capital of Belly Dancing, Egypt, the hairy, bearded, pierced and tattooed queer dancer will give you a very oriental performance with a twist.

Efa Supertramp is an activist, a punk folk singer from Cardiff, Wales. Her new album “Rhyddid Yw Y Freuddwyd” (Freedom is the Dream) is out now on the Afiach label. Efa Supertramp has spent the past few years making a name for herself on the underground scene with her truthful attitude to life and politics. She has toured all over the UK and Europe, from Aberdeen to Sofia, via Belgrade & Berlin; Efa_Supertrampplaying in protests, squats, street corners, living rooms, bars and festivals. She sings in both English and her mother-tongue Welsh, a minority language, and has gained support slots with punk legends such as The Damned, TV Smith (The Adverts), Viv Albertine (The Slits) and Attila The Stockbroker. Efa is young, energetic and original. Her songs are angry but uplifting. She hates money, power and greed but loves living life as free as she can. Efa has been playing gigs since the age of 15 when she started Welsh punk band The Stilletoes, who toured and released a pink vinyl single and album. After touring Europe last year as a solo artist, experiencing grassroots and DIY projects, Efa was inspired to put on shows and start a label called ‘Afiach’ to release radical Welsh music. […Lees verder]

Movie night: Erhal, a diary of Tahrir square (2011)

Sunday April 20th 2014, “Erhal, a Diary of Tahrir Square”, a documentary by Marc Almodóvar, 2011, 55 minutes, with English subtitles. Door opens at 8pm, event begins at 9pm.

January 25, 2011.
The fall of Ben Ali in Tunis on January 14, 2011, built beacons of hope in the Arab world. All the attention is in Egypt, where groups in solidarity with the young Alexandrian Khaled Said, killed by the police, are calling for Egyptians to take to the streets against the regime. The chosen date is January 25, National Police Day, seen as one of the pillars of a regime sustained for decades in the country and ruled by Mohammed Hosny Mubarak as a Western ally. But people, claiming freedom and social justice, breaks the barrier of fear, goes outside and begins a rebellion that will shake the whole world.
Erhal – Leave – chronicles from within the 18-days-struggle that brought down one of the more stable dictators of the Middle East.

Film maker Marc Almodóvar will be present at Joe’s Garage on Monday April 14th for an info night: Revolution and counter revolution beyond Tahir, by Marc Almodóvar

Film night at Joe’s Garage, warm and cozy cinema! Doors open at 8pm, film begins at 9pm, free entrance. You want to play a movie, let us know: joe [at] squat [dot] net

Revolution and counter revolution beyond Tahir, by Marc Almodóvar

Tahrir_Square_on_July_29_2011Monday April 14th 2014: 9pm, Info night: Revolution and counter revolution beyond Tahir, by Marc Almodóvar.

Activist, free lance journalist, film maker and blogger, Marc Almodóvar has been based for years in Egypt. Published by La Directa, Diagonal and others, Marc is blogging on “Egipte rere la barricada” (Egypt through the barricade) Several documentaries portraying the 2011 revolution and social movements in Egypt were filmed and released by Marc. The Erhal documentary, Tahrir Square Diaries is an impressive document on the 2011 revolution. Now on tour presenting his book “Egipto tras la barricada. Revolución y contrarrevolución más allá de Tahrir” published in spanish and calatan by Virus. Presentation and discussion in English.

Screening of “Erhal, a Diary of Tahrir Square” (2011, 55 minutes) will take place at Joe’s Garage on Sunday April 20th 2014.

Info night: Soura! The ongoing Egyptian revolution and the role of women in the revolution

Friday May 10th 2013, Info night: Soura! The ongoing Egyptian revolution and the role of women in the revolution. Info night by Rebelact (the Amsterdam Rebel Clowns). 7pm food, 8pm infonight, free entrance

Since November 19th Tahrir Square has again been occupied and in some major Egyptian cities rebellion and revolution are part of ‘everyday life’. Amsterdam Rebel Clowns visited the country three times. With support of People’s Kitchen Vegazula and other organisations they organised several workshops and presentations, but more important: connected with people who resist and are in a permanent revolution.

This evening will focus on the Egyption Revolution, how the revolution continues and the role of women in the revolution. You’ll hear stories and see videos and pictures about the revolution during the last half year. What kind of groups play a role in this permanent revolution? What does the Egyptian situation make inspiring? What are the ‘shortages’ in this revolution? Why revolution in Egypt? (and what are the differences with the conditions in the Netherlands).

We’re glad, next to a few introductions by Amsterdam rebel clowns, Maro (activist and rebel clown from Egypt) will explain about what’s happening in Egypt and the role of women in the revolution. It took 3 months before the Dutch state finally gave her a visa; we’re glad and proud she joins!

Cairo_Graffiti__2012If there’s time left we give attention to rebel clowning and creative activism in Egypt. And last but not least: we could also show you pictures of the best political graffiti ever. You’ll see how the wall in the Muhammed Mahmoud Street near Tahrir Square in Cairo changed into an impressive monument for the martyrs of the Revolution.

We’ll end this evening with exchange of thoughts: your questions and contributions to discussion about Soura / Revolution are warmly welcome!


Red Nose Delicious Arab Spring Benefit Dinner

RebelClownMo./Ma.  22 october 2012: Volkseten Vegazulu, Red Nose Delicious Arab Spring Benefit Dinner, 19PM
Rebelact are back from Egypt and have been doing training workshops in Cairo and Alexandria. With a few clips of their trip to Egypt!

Volkseten Vegazulu is every monday and thursday, 19:00pm, vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation


Egyptian film night: Saleh Cafe, The Aquarium

Zo./Su. 6 mei 2012, Filmavond, 20uur: Egyptian night, short documentary and long feature.
Saleh Cafe ” قهـوة صالـح ” (Amina Ezz Elarab, Egypt, 2011, 5’42) Documentary, english subtitles. A popular coffee house, downtown Cairo, witnesses from the Revolution are speaking about January 25th 2011.

The Aquarium ” جنينة الأسماك ” (Yousry Nasrallah, Egypt, 2008, 90′) Fiction, english subtitles.
The Aquarium is a 48-hour journey into Modern Cairo following the parallel lives of Youssef and Leila. Hosni Mubarak is still in power and the ‘Kefaya’ Movement for Change is protesting in the streets. The Aquarium offers a salient example of using innovative filmic language in Egyptian cinema to expose many societal and political issues that plague Egyptian society. Yousry Nasrallah’s major works are often inspired by very simple details. The Aquarium was inspired by something Nasrallah read in passing in a children’s magazine about the memory of fish. Nasrallah is set to draw international recognition with his work. He was also in the streets of Cairo with his camera during the 2011 Revolution that saw Mubarak falling. His new film “Battle” is his testimony on last year revolution. […Lees verder]