October 2013 at Joe’s Garage

As a squatted social center, how do we communicate to the outside world? Where do you find us on-line and where do you NOT find us? We are not here to provide passive intelligence to state intelligence agencies, or to make their task easier. Making ourselves visible on a website hosted by a radical and political server is a first necessary step. Being able to reach other activists and squatters, not only the ones based in the Netherlands, is something we would not want to miss. In the will to be an open space for political initiatives, we want to reach further than the neighbourhood, further than a city and its squatting scene.

Being a squat and having a squat scene active and visible on decent platforms may have some importance in these times of repression. Reading about houses being squatted and evicted is one thing, being able to find each other, not only on-line, knowing which are our public events has its importance to strengthen us all. […Lees verder]

Volkseten Vegazulu & concert with Hadji Ahmed (oud, voice)


Thursday October 31st 2013, Volkseten Vegazulu & concert with Hadji Ahmed (oud, voice). No reservation, 7pm.

After the voku, there will be a solo music performance with Hadji Ahmed, from Algeria, playing oud (lute) and singing. He will bring some sun with an oriental jazz, desert blues and other delicious vibrations. Ahmed has been travelling around Europe on his bike. He started his journey in France and has performed the local social centers in Amsterdam. After Antartica, he’ll be our guest. […Lees verder]

Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: It’s Gonna Get Worse (2007)

Sunday October 27th 2013, Movie night, Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema by Jeffrey Babcock. It’s Gonna Get Worse (Directed by Petr Nikolaev, 2007, 86 minutes, In Czech with English subtitles). Original title: A bude hůř.  Door opens at 20:00, film begins at 21:00

This movie has become a renowned cult film in Czechoslovakia, but has been basically unseen anywhere else. Shot in a beautifully rough b&w, this film is like no other in taking us back to Czechoslovakia and how alternative-types lived under Communist rule. The main characters are hippies, but a much rougher type than what was found in America. These are guys who drink incredible amounts of hard alcohol, take drugs and have hard sex…. but listen to psychedelic rock music and have found their own way to be alternative. Wow, this film is incredible in capturing that whole milieu. […Lees verder]

“The enemy within – What can we do about internalized sexism?” Discussion

Friday October 25th 2013, Workshop: “The enemy within – What can we do about internalized sexism?” Discussion, 6:30 pm.

Many of us can spot sexism. It is at work, in the women’s lower wages. It is among our friends and family, when eyebrows are raised when hearing of a man taking paternity leave. It is on billboards, in ads for washing liquid only starring women. It is on TV, where transwomen are only depicted as sex workers or sexual predators. It is in schools, when boys who are perceived as ‘girly’ are bullied in order to ‘man up.’ It is on the streets, in the whistle and kissing sounds made when women perceived as attractive walk by.  It’s everywhere and we see it! […Lees verder]

Benefit voku, towards fighting unjust evictions


Thursday October 24th 2013, Benefit voku, towards fighting unjust evictions, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm

Tonight’s benefit will go towards fighting unjust evictions. On October 1st 2013, the three year anniversary since squatting was made illegal in The Netherlands, an apartment was squatted on a social housing block that the owner Eigen Haard plans to demolish sometime in the distant future, to make way for privately owned houses. Now only three weeks on the squat faces eviction. When evicted the apartment is likely to remain empty or be given to the anti-squat company Camelot until demolition begins (no sooner than in the 2nd quarter of 2014 according to the owners website). We want to fight this unjust violation of are constitutional and human rights in court. That fight costs money folks! So come eat and dig deep into your pockets to support the cause! […Lees verder]


Kritische Studenten Avond waar blijft het protest?

Wednesday October 23rd 2013, Kritische Studenten Evening: Info and discussion on the Quebec Student Strike in 2012, 8pm. [English below]


Het hoger onderwijs in Nederland wordt al jaren gekenmerkt door bezuinigingen. Colleges worden steeds massaler en de universiteit wordt steeds meer een diplomafabriek. Toch is er amper een tegenreactie vanuit studenten. In 2011 waren er nog zo’n 15.000 studenten op de been om te protesteren tegen o.a. de langstudeerboete, maar dit heeft een nieuwe golf van bezuinigingen niet kunnen voorkomen. Met het vooruitzicht op het leenstelsel, afschaffing OV-kaart, Bindend Studie Advies voor elk studiejaar en fusies van onderwijsinstellingen, is er wel degelijk reden genoeg om in verzet te komen. Maar waar blijven we? […Lees verder]

Benefiet Voku Soweto


Monday October 21st 2013, Benefiet Voku SOWETO, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm

Soweto goes for Pieter Nieuwland – Update on SOWETO & the Pieter Nieuwland project.
We are a collective that is enthusiastic about creating more community owned housing. We are currently taking an old school building in Amsterdam Oost and turning it into a community living, working, and social space. We are seeing this as a starting point in bringing more buildings back in to the public domain – a counter movement toward the growing privatization of public spaces a reclaiming move against the increased corporate ownership of property.
The housing association “Soweto” aims to do what the official ‘social housing corporations’ don’t deliver: to provide communities with affordable space for living, working, organising, talking politics and having fun. It all started with trying to legalize Joe’s garage in the squatted Pretoriusstraat 28. Unfortunately, that wasn’t successful – but now the Pieter Nieuwlandstraat project, close to the Dappermarkt is about to be realized. […Lees verder]

Demonstration for the Valreep: October 19th, 14:00

Valreep Legaal demonstration, October 19th 2013

Saturday October 19th, Joe’s Garage will be closed. No give away shop that day. Everybody at the demonstration for the Valreep squat. Dance-demo through Amsterdam city for preservation of social political centre Op de Valreep and for a free and social (underground) Amsterdam.

Amsterdam Danst Ergens Voor – Demonstratie voor De Valreep (& A’dam underground)

Aanstaande zaterdag dansen wij dwars door Amsterdam voor het behoud van vrijplaats De Valreep. De underground laat van zich horen met mobiel geluid van onder meer Damoclash, Nimatek, de ADM, de DAF (Ruigoord), de Infaders en Bajesdorp. […Lees verder]