March 2017 at Joe’s Garage


AAA Infocafe: “Being Anarchist in the 21st century?”

Friday March 31st 2017, Talk and Discussion about concepts of Anarchism and Autonomy and their practice in the here & now. Starts at 18:00.


DzsinnkaladzsiMonday 27th March 2017, Music with Dzsinnkaladzsi (Mongolia/Hungary), Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

Chingele – Vocals, Throat singing, Topsuur
Gergő Kovács – Vocals, Guitar

This album was recorded on the 27th of March 2017 in Amsterdam, at Joe’s Garage. Chingele and Gergo are visiting Amsterdam for DzsinnKalaDzsi’s summer tour, and were asked to play a gig.
Dzsinnkaladzsi: […Lees verder]

Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: The Woman from Rose Hill

170326_la_femme_de_rose_hill_smSunday March 26th 2017, Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema. Door opens at 8pm, film begin at 9pm. Free admission.

(La femme de Rose Hill)
Directed by Alain Tanner

95 minutes
In French with English subtitles

The films of Swiss director Alain Tanner (La salamandre, Jonas will be 25…) are some of the most poignant and sharpest of the last century. Sadly his movies have been marginalized and trashed by our commercial film distribution industry.

Julie is a young woman from Rose Hill (Republic of Mauritius, an Island off the off the southeast coast of Africa). She moves to a little village in Switzerland, responding to a proposal of marriage by her pen-pal Marcel. But when Julie arrives, everything is wrong right from the start. Director Alain Tanner is excellent in showing the culture shock of this young black woman, confronted by the horror of Switzerland… cold, clinical, ordered, regulated, Calvinist, snow-covered, brutally practical and ultimately abstract.
In his films director Alain Tanner always focuses on outsiders, and here we see Julie as utterly dispossessed. Finally she meets Jean, a neighbor, and they have an affair, which leads to damning judgments from the local community. This is a tender movie, totally unknown, by a master filmmaker, dealing with issues of immigration and the responsibilities of Europe’s colonialist past. This will be an outrageously rare screening of this brilliant and haunting gem, that was effectively banned by commercial distributors. […Lees verder]

Benefit NSU Tribunal

NSU_tribunalThursday March 23rd 2017, Benefit for “Break the Silence Collective”. Infonight about the NSU murders and rising threat of extrem right-wing terror in Germany. Money goes to the project “NSU-Tribunal”. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

” Unraveling the NSU Complex – Indicting Racism in Germany
The immigrants affected by NSU terror knew who was behind the attacks on their family members, their neighbors, their friends or their own lives, their existences, their streets, and their businesses. The fact that their voices were not heard is due to structural racism in Germany. This, together with neo-Nazi structures established and paid for by the State, with all its official protectors, forms the NSU complex. NSU means: German state and Nazis hand in hand.
We, people targeted and affected by the NSU and antiracist activists, are organizing a tribunal in order to launch an indictment against all those responsible – a tribunal where the voices of the victims of racist violence are raised and heard.
In Cologne-Mülheim’s Keupstraße in 2004 the NSU attacked an entire street with a nail bomb. Moreover, they also attacked the idea of a multicultural society as such. In Germany in May 2017, juridical clarification of the NSU complex cannot be expected, racist hate violence and speech are still an everyday occurrence, and the people targeted by racist violence are repeatedly made into perpetrators.
The NSU could count on a racist division in German society which spreads fear among immigrant communities, while mainstream public perception either does not notice this at all or if they do, then only in an aggressive defense reflex, which immediately blames the people targeted by racist hate. This is the division we want to overcome with the tribunal.
An indictment launched by society instead of judge and verdict ”

Tribunal NSU-Komplex Auflösen:
17.5-21.5 in Cologne, Germany […Lees verder]

LLECA’s Bienvenida. Benefit with ex-prisoner group from Nicaragua

Lleca_ensayo_teatro_libre_11032010Monday March 20th 2017, LLECA’s Bienvenida. Benefit with ex-prisoner group from Nicaragua. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

Dear friends, to celebrate the arrival of Lleca Teatro in the Netherlands, we are hosting a Nicaraguan dinner at Joe’s Garage!! Lleca’s Nicaraguan theatre collective outside of prison consists of former and non-prisoners who have been making theater inside prison since 2009. They are now coming to the Netherlands on invitation of the International Community Arts Festival (ICAF)! At the ICAF, they will present their physical theater play “Cain and the Dogs” originally made in prison in 2015 and host a workshop. During their three-week stay in the Netherlands there will be a couple of public opportunities to see them in action!
We invite you all to give the group a proper “bienvenida” and share dinner with us on Monday March 20th at Joe’s!! We will be cooking a delicious vegan, tropical meal accompanied by traguitos, and of course there will be lovely latin tunes for your bellies and ears. There will be ample opportunity to speak with Lleca Teatro’s former-prisoner actors & director over dinner! Hope to see you!!

Lleca Teatro will be staying in the Netherlands between 19 March and 10 April. Other events with the group include: Friday 31 March presentation of their physical theater play “Caín y los Perros” at Theater Zuidplein, Rotterdam (ICAF) | Saturday 1 April workshop on physical theater at the ICAF, Rotterdam | Thursday 6 April presentation of “Caín y los Perros” at CREA, Amsterdam, followed by a Q&A with the group | Saturday 8 April Farewell & Cumbia Carcelera party at De Peper, Amsterdam.

More information about LLECA:

Menu on March 20th: [appetizer] Sopa de frijoles – black bean soup
[main] Indio viejo con tostones y pico de gallo – typical Nicaraguan mashed maize dish with vegetables, green plantain fritters and tomato salad. […Lees verder]

No More President’s: Trump Arrestees Benefit

natalie_keyssar_washington_dc_trump_inauguration_limoThursday 16 March 2017, No More President’s: Trump Arrestees Benefit. Volkseten Vegazulu at 7pm. Screening from 8:00pm till 10pm.

On 16 March 2017, there will be a benefit for people in the United States facing serious charges from the 20 January Trump inauguration protests. Over 200 people where arrested and many are facing felonies that carry a sentence of up to 10 years in jail. Global Uprisings ( will screen their short film “No More Presidents: Protesting the Trump Inauguration” along with video clips of other actions including airport blockades against the Muslim ban, the Berkeley anti-fascist action against Milo Yiannopoulos, the Day Without Immigrants protests, people preventing Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents from detaining undocumented migrants, and clips from the March 8 Women’s Strike. Following the presentation, there will be a Q and A about the situation in the US and how it relates to fighting the growing influence of the far-right in Europe. […Lees verder]

Black Cat Cine presents “The Square” (Jehane Noujaim, 2013)

The_Square_Jehane_NoujaimSunday 12th March 2017, Black Cat Cine presents “The Square” by Jehane Noujaim, Egypt 2013, 95 min, English subtitles. Door opens at 8pm, film begin at 9pm. Free admission.

An intimate observational documentary that tells the story of the struggle of the Egyptian Revolution through the eyes of six different protesters. Starting in the tents of Tahrir in the days leading up to the fall of Mubarak, we follow our characters on a life-changing journey through the euphoria of victory into the uncertainties and dangers of the current ‘transitional period’ under military rule. “An inspiring testament to the power of protests and the voice of the people.”

Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Doors open after 8pm, film begins at 9pm, free entrance. You want to play a movie, let us know: joe [at] squat [dot] net