De Drie Duyfjes benefit voku

Monday 15 july 2024, De Drie Duyfjes benefit voku. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

This evening we are raising funds to pay for our legal defense. Come to support!
Gravenstraat 26-28 had been rotting away for a decade. There was a first attempt to squat the houses on September 12, 2021, during the Woonprotest. 61 people were arrested and police brutality followed this squatting action.
On April 27, 2024, on Housing Day (Woningsdag), Gravenstraat 26-28 is successfully squatted. Within a few days, the front gets some fresh paint and the house is named De Drie Duyfjes. Life is back in the house. Come support your local squatters!

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Voku for De Drie Duyfjes

Monday 3 June 2024, Voku for De Drie Duyfjes. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

Gravenstraat 26-28 had been rotting away for a decade. There was a first attempt to squat the houses on September 12, 2021, during the Woonprotest. 61 people were arrested and police brutality followed this squatting action.
On April 27, 2024, on Housing Day (Woningsdag), Gravenstraat 26-28 is successfully squatted. Within a few days, the front gets some fresh paint and the house is named De Drie Duyfjes. Life is back in the house. Come support your local squatters!

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